Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Regional Strategy for Tourism Development in Vratsa region for the period 2021-2027 (SRT) was prepared on the basis of Art. 10, item 1 of the Tourism Act and in accordance with the main normative and strategic documents at national, regional and regional level, directly or indirectly related to the development of tourism in the district.
The strategic document formulates an overall integrated vision for the tourism development of the district, as well as the strategic goals and main priorities that will be implemented with the participation of interested partners, following the general priorities of Vratsa regional development and national level. Through the planned activities, measures and initiatives, the Strategy seeks to achieve a balance between economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development through optimal use of natural resources, cultural heritage, values and local identity and contribute to overcoming poverty and unemployment through long-term economic operations with benefits for all stakeholders.
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The Marche Region ERDF Operative Programme has 5 strategic objectives:
1. Strategic Goal 1: A smarter Europe by promoting economic transformation intelligent and innovative industry
2. Strategic Goal 2: A greener, low-carbon Europe - by promoting a transition to clean and fair energy, green and blue investments, the circular economy, adaptation climate change and risk management and prevention
3. Strategic Goal 3: a more connected Europe by strengthening mobility and connectivity of communication technologies
4. Strategic Goal 4: a more social Europe through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights
5. Strategic Goal 5: a Europe closer to citizens through the promotion of sustainable development e integrated urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives
The ERDF Operative Plan will be accompanied by the Complementary Operational Plan (POC), a tool that with greater flexibility will focus on: INFRASTRUCTURE and territorial strategies for TOURISM AND CULTURE. This Plan has a value of 102,5 Ml Euros and will be integrated also with an integrated Strategy for recovery and requalification of the BUILDING ASSETS • start-up and GROWTH OF SMEs, with the development of new jobs. REDEVELOPMENT OF RECEPTIVE RECEPTION STRUCTURES for a widespread and sustainable tourism • protection and enhancement of CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ACTIVITIES.
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The North Aegean Region ERDF Operative Programme has 5 strategic objectives:
1. Strategic Goal 1: A smarter Europe by promoting economic transformation intelligent and innovative industry
2. Strategic Goal 2: A greener, low-carbon Europe - by promoting a transition to clean and fair energy, green and blue investments, the circular economy,
adaptation climate change and risk management and prevention
3. Strategic Goal 3: a more connected Europe by strengthening mobility and connectivity of communication technologies
4. Strategic Goal 4: a more social Europe through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights
5. Strategic Goal 5: a Europe closer to citizens through the promotion of sustainable development e integrated urban, rural and coastal areas and local
Basic direction of the overall development strategy of the North Aegean Region which is also the strategy of the Regional Program, is to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Region by aiming at strengthening the established and emerging economic activities, as well as the alleviation of the problems and due to the special nature of its multi-insularity. More specifically, under strategic objectives 1 and 4, by translating a consolidated approach into new ERDF projects focusing on SMART AND GREEN INNOVATION in economic sectors, including the tourism ecosystem.
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Tourism has a very high significance for Bremerhaven that goes far beyond the economic effects. In addition to positive image, value-added and employment effects, tourism makes a decisive contribution to increasing the quality of life and creating living, residential and economic spaces in Bremerhaven. The tourism concept for the city of Bremerhaven drawn up in 2020 and will updated again in 2025.
Its main points are:
- Developing the local profile: Knowledge and experience worlds, fishing experience, harbour experience, improved visitor information and (digital) guidance system, accessibility, conference capacities (MICE).
The goals are:
- Digital strategy: digitalisation of the tourism service chain.
- Digital experience: destination-wide implementation of digital tools (e.g. VR/AR, digital visitor guidance, open data, booking platforms)
- Staging and revitalisation of the water's edge and enhancement of quality along the harbour experience sites through identity-creating design and upgrading of the maritime experience areas along the water areas.
- Realisation of an edutainment facility to bring the regional food industry to life on the topic of the fishing experience; promotion of the maritime culinary brand with the topic of fish.
- MICE event location: Special event locations with a maritime connection.
- Tourist mobility concept: Optimisation of accessibility and demand-oriented development of tourist mobility offers to link the tourist areas and facilities.
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Development Plan of Koprivnica-Križevci County for the period 2021-2027 is a medium-term strategic document. The medium-term vision is: "Koprivnica-Križevci County until 2027 is an economically strong, green and connected county, a county of recognizable identity, natural and cultural heritage, prosperous for life and work". There are three specific goals defined in the Development Plan: Sensitive, Smarter and Greener County. The development of continental tourism is recognized within the specific objective 3. Smart and Green county, priority 3.4. Development of a recognizable tourist offer and measure 3.4.2. Marketing support of development of county tourism, which includes activities: continuous branding of KKC tourist offer, the introduction of tourist offer standards, implementation of marketing and promotional activities to strengthen the visibility of KKC tourist offer, promotion of existing and new tourist products, development of rural tourism with emphasis on events, promotion of cultural, active, outdoor, sports and enogastro tourism and connecting and educating stakeholders in the tourism sector and digitalizing the tourist offer, investing in visitor and tourist information centers. Within this measure, we would like to digitally transform, educate and interconnect MSMEs as well as connect them with other local stakeholders and strengthen the visibility and branding of KKC tourist offer.
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The vision of the ROP of Western Greece is to provide a holistic strategy for the transformation of the Region into a fair, smart and efficient European Region, which will be a hyperlocal hub of technology, innovation, research and creativity, a model of social solidarity and cohesion, a place of promotion of volunteerism and culture.
Through the establishment and the improvement of the ROP, the RWG aims to become a body for decision-making, implementing socially and spatially equitable policies, utilizing the available technological tools and improving its administrative readiness. T
The policy instrument is on the way (under submission in EU) of the approval for the new programing period 2021-2027 . The strategic aim is "Improving competitiveness in production, strengthening entrepreneurship in terms of innovation, extroversion and digital reinforcement" and the draft specific objectives are i. Reaping the benefits of digitization for citizens, companies, research organizations and public authorities"
ii. Developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship",
iii. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies".
iv. "Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies"
v. "Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments"
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The Plan of Reactivation, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR) for the Province of Seville is born to face the crisis created by the pandemic. This Plan is the roadmap for economic recovery in Seville Province and it will enhance to adapt to new social and business needs. It will work in parallel with the arrival of EU Funds, favoring the possibilities of obtaining financing and developing economic and social growth projects in the province of Seville, in which digitalisation and green innovations in the business sector are among the main aims of the plan. The Plan will allow the implementation of a solid and resilient reconstruction, incorporating all the strategies and actions that the Provincial Council has been carrying out aligned with EU objectives, helping to define the future of the province.
PRTR for the Province of Seville has the following strategic objectives:
- Digitization of companies and society;
-Consolidation and reinforcement of a more resilient economic model;
-Promotion of economic activity through sustainability;
-Territorial connectivity and accessibility;
-Development of higher quality public services;
-Balanced social welfare for the reduction of inequalities.
And for the achievement of the strategic objectives, the PTRT includes the following thematic areas (fully addressed with TOURBO project):
-Business Competitiveness;
-Digitization and innovation;
-Green transition and environment;
-and Tourism (due to its relevance in the region).
Partners working on this policy instrument

Lapland's new smart specialization strategy 2023-2027 was commenced in March 2023. In the strategy, the innovation-driven development needs of businesses, the expertise of the region, the development of regional cooperation, the key challenges of innovation and sustainability goals have been taken into account. The strategy’s priorities have been the themes in which investment in research, development and innovation activities promotes the growth of regions SMEs and supports the renewal of expertise. One of the priorities is ‘Wellness and adventure services based on nature’ where tourism sector can instinctively find itself. Regional Council of Lapland coordinates the strategy work. The regional smart specialisation coordination group oversees the strategy’s implementation. Every two years, the coordination group takes part in the process of updating the strategy. The strategy compliments The Lapland Agreement which also includes the elements of Lapland Green Deal Roadmap.
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