Digitalisation and Twin Transition in Tourism MSMEs through voucher schemes in Marche Region (Italy)
In line with the Policy objective: 1. A smarter Europe; Specific objective: (iii) Sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs- including productive investments, the concept of the TOURBO Marche pilot project is based on a transition and a highly practical digital transformation, contextualized and applied to the business peculiarities of tourism MSMEs to transform their ideas into projects, activities and results and, in the medium term, observable in terms of requalification and competitive development of companies, and greater systemic integration with the ecosystem .
The project consists of a systemic action able to develop and implement a transnational, intersectoral support voucher scheme at interregional level in the PPs tourism ecosystems to support and increase digital transformation capacities and introduce innovative sustainable solutions by MSMEs in smart tourism supply chain of partner countries.
During the pilot, an innovative voucher scheme tool is put into place. In particular, 6 tourism Marche Region MSMEs selected through a specific call will benefit from:
- Direct support for capacity building as regards sustainability, digitization, innovation and smart tourism that respects the natural, social, economic and cultural ecosystems in which they are located;
- Knowledge Providers as Experts will be selected too and openly listed in order to act as an intermediary & organizing specific activities for tourism MSMEs, providing support to strengthen their capacities in developing and implementing innovative approaches to services and activities with the help of digital technologies;
- The matching between Knowledge Providers and MSMEs will gather to a voucher support in order to develop the above mentioned projects of digital transformation.
The pilot budget includes 40,000€ of external services in benefit of the pilot beneficiary MSMEs.
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Addressed Policy Instruments
RP Marche ERDF 2021-2027Partners