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TOURBO launches Pilot Actions with the call for experts

By Project TOURBO

The two Pilot Actions are carried out in the Marche region in Italy, and in North Aegean region in Greece. The call for experts is issued by SVEM - the Regional Development Agency of Marche Region and Eloris - the Company for Research, Education, Innovation and Development of the North Aegean Region. The experts will provide consultancy and support for innovation on eight particular recognized challenges in tourism sector, such as reducing the seasonality of demand, minimizing resource use and production of waste, and using tourism as a tool in global sustainable development.

Experts can provide services such as (but not limited to):

  • digitalization of tourism to e-business
  • e-commerce and smart tourism
  • smart destination vision and connections to global value chains
  • sustainable business models, energy efficiency schemes or plans
  • definition of new market strategies

Call is open until 30th of September. After the call closes, tourism MSMEs in the pilot regions submit proposals for partnerships for the registered experts or “Knowledge Providers”. In the autumn of 2024 a total of 10 innovation projects will be selected, and the tourism MSMEs have until summer of 2025 to implement the innovation projects with the support of the knowledge providers. Each selected project is awarded a voucher of 8000 € for financing the consultancy provided by the knowledge providers. All information about the now opened call is available on Marche Region website: https://www.regione.marche.it/Entra-in-Regione/Marche-Turismo/Progetti-europei/Tourbo#Voucher-Tourbo-EN 

As an Interreg Europe project, exchange of knowledge and good practices is in the core of TOURBO’s interregional co-operation. In addition to exchange of experience, Interreg Europe projects can also supplement the selection of their activities with more operational Pilot Actions. They are in place to test a new approach to public intervention, and when successful, they are integrated to the policy instrument addressed and thus improve it. Pilot Actions have a test-oriented character, are interregional by nature, they are relevant to the addressed policies and they provide additional activities, that wouldn’t be carried out without the support of the Interreg Europe programme.

As a network we greatly look forward to engaging with the tourism sector, to seek inspiration and fruitful inter-regional exchange. If you would like more information on how to apply to join the list of experts, you can contact either Regione Marche team or any TOURBO partner through their media outlets and our contact page: https://www.interregeurope.eu/tourbo/contacts 

Information about the Call for Experts: https://www.regione.marche.it/Entra-in-Regione/Marche-Turismo/Progetti-europei/Tourbo#Voucher-Tourbo-EN

Sustainable innovation