Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
RSO5.1. Fostering the integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism, and security in urban areas
Azione V.5i.1 Strategie Urbane d’Area (SUA) Urban Strategies
The SUAs are configured as an urban and peri-urban development tool and consist of a mix of integrated and coordinated interventions with a multifunctional dimension related to one or more domains.
SUAs are integrated interventions, conceived by groups of municipalities previously defined, aimed to support:
- medium-sized urban areas and territorial systems,
- Turin Metropolitan Areas, in coordination with the PON Metro Plus Turin.
The territorial strategies involve territorial systems composed by medium urban areas, with the goal to promote:
• territorial renovation, urban and ecological regeneration,
• prevention and management of natural risks, including those committed to climate change
• energy efficiency and the promotion of energy from renewable sources,
• protection, enhancement and networking of the architectural, cultural, tourist and natural heritage.
Partners working on this policy instrument

In order to consolidate and promote urban development processes, the ROP SW Oltenia will finance integrated projects within Priority 7 – Sustainable territorial development, within Policy Objective 5. The main activities: urban regeneration, protection, development and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural services, development and promotion of public tourism assets. as well as interventions for soft measures, through the financing of integrated territorial Instrument.
The instrument will be operationalized through a territorial development strategy (SDT / SIDU), which will include at least the following elements: targeted geographical area, analysis of the needs and potential of the area, including economic, social and environmental interconnections, description of an integrated approach, the involvement of partners, the list of projects, from different sources of funding.
The beneficiaries are mainly public authorities in urban area.
This policy instrument could be more effective stimulating the participation of all the stakeholders by a leverage effect.
Within the framework of sustainable urban development, the SVO ROP supports integrated territorial development in order to address more effectively the economic, social, climatic, demographic and environmental challenges affecting urban areas, including functional urban areas, with an allocation of approximately 30% of program envelope.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The goal of “Urban Tartumaa is to support the set-up of effective and inclusive urban development strategies strengthening the continuous improvement of cooperation governance models, in order to sustain local governments that need to activate and improve their cooperation strategies for urban development fostering the integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism, and security in urban areas in Tartumaa.
Specific objectives are:
- to facilitate cooperation between local administrations belonging to the same Tartu County functional area;
- to enhance inclusiveness of the development strategies and citizens participation to policy making processes;
- to raise awareness among policymakers in the tangible benefits of a functional area-based approach to renovate existing systems or to set up new instruments (when needed) of citizen participation, of cooperation among local actors and different levels of government.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Objective: Development of strategic model and action plan at a local (inter-municipal) level to improve the positioning of our territory, looking for the improvement, development, research, knowledge and promotion of the territories involved.
Characteristics: development of the strategy through the participation of public and private agents to boost and support the direct collaboration with the citizens. Purpose of the policy instrument is the stimulation the local organizations that are involved in the local development improving their competences and even its attributions. The regional law on fiscal and administrative actions is absolutely complementary to the above expressed as it is including the economic instruments that enable the implementation and development of all the issues that are stated in the Local Strategic Development Plan. It has high priority for the local development and it is one of the main strategic lines of the territory to obtain European funding.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategy aims to be responsive to trends (eg. urbanisation, digitisation and globalisation) whilst also interpreting risk (e.g. climate, global economic challenges, future of work and population health outbreaks) by connecting our plans to the Sustainable Development Goals, the EU Growth Strategy and the National Strategic Outcomes (NPF). At its core the RSES recognises the weak urban infrastructure in our region and that this region has not prospered economically compared to the other two regions of Ireland, as evidenced by reclassification of the region by the European Commission from a ‘More Developed Region’ to a ‘Transition Region’ for the Post 2020 (2021-2027) funding period. The RSES is responding by adopting a clear strategy for compact growth and delivering those key elements known to inform business location choices. This compact growth strategy is focused on a Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) for Galway and tailored Regional Growth Centre Strategic Plans for Sligo, Athlone and Letterkenny (incorporating the strategic cross-border partnership with Derry-Strabane).
These are new departures and the expected outcome is a region that is smarter, greener, more specialised and connected, with a stronger and more compact urban network.
The RSES needs analysis and evidence based has also informed our new Regional (ERDF / Operational) Programme for 2021-2027, with specific investments in sustainable urban development.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Strategic Goal 1 of Gabrovo PID is to transform Gabrovo municipality into a resilient and connected municipality.
The goal will be achieved through:
Priority 1 – Environment, climate and energy, sustainable development
Priority 2 – Transport connections and infrastructure
The sub-goal 4 of PID is specifically focused on the development of modern and ecological technical infrastructure.
The existing municipal infrastructure need to be improved to respond to the climate change and new adaptation measures have to be developed and implemented in regard to the green system, air pollution, forest and risk management, integration of innovative green solutions and ecological business, redevelopment and regeneration of the existing industrial zones.
New energy saving measures have to be integrated in building sector, waste management and public transport.
The rural infrastructure (roads, water and sewage system, energy and gas supply, internet and other services) need to be improved through integrated investments with high level of involvement of the rural communities.
Measures for transport connectivity improvement through optimization of the regional transport network and new investments for rehabilitation of main roads, are foreseen in PID, including rural areas.
Traffic management and integration of innovative digital solutions are also important measures in this priority to support urban mobility actions.
Partners working on this policy instrument