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„Clean City Festival” in Gdańsk, 1 July 2023

By Project WEEEWaste
Clean City Festival

The „Clean City Festival” was an ecological outdoor event with the participation of municipal entities and invited guests – different institutions and organisations implementing activities, projects and campaigns for environmental protection, sustainable development, circular economy, municipal waste management, as well as an active and healthy lifestyle in the „less waste” idea.

Dozens of various attractions were organized for young and old in the form of workshops, quizzes, games and presentations. There was, among others educational path – presenting the way from the generation of waste to its re-use, „educational container” with a presentation of the recycling process of plastic waste on the example of bottle caps. Residents were given a possibility to visit the mobile laboratory located in a specialist car, owned by the City Guard, and learn what electro-waste is and how to properly manage the electro-waste. As part of the event, there was also a stage where lectures on ecological lifestyle and importance of not wasting food were held together with a culinary live cooking show - "less waste in the kitchen" as well as an educational performance for children "Direction Earth" was presented by Miniature Municipal Theatre. This event was attended by thoudends of Gdansk citizens and provided a perfect opportunity to disseminate information about the WEEEWaste project, its ideas, objectives and goals.
