Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Council of Seine-Saint-Denis has created the “Appel à agir” to foster innovation by NGOs and associations working in the fields of youth and social inclusion. It also supports cooperation between organisations.
The "Appel a agir" has two objectives concerning young people's mobility:
- Developing European citizenship and voluntary work
- Encouraging vocational training
It funds organisations that work with young people on mobility projects.
This may be an association set up by young people on a specific theme, or a more institutionalized organisation. This call for projects is aimed at people aged between 16 and 30, with fewer opportunities, in the Seine-Saint-Denis area. The call for action aims to have a leverage effect on young people's mobility, as young people in Seine-Saint-Denis are less likely to benefit from mobility programmes.
Due to self censorship, family and financial obstacles, young people in Seine-Saint-Denis don't even think of using those programmes, and the mobility in a small area is already complicated. The SSD county council runs in parallel an evaluation regarding youth mobility in our territory in order to identify what are the obstacles.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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This policy instrument is the "Integrated Social Plan Liguria Region”. It’s a social instrument that defines the policy for social services regarding prevention and community development, the fight against poverty and social inclusion, the protection of minors, victims, people with social fragility, and policies for non-self-sufficiency.
It elaborates a model of governance of the welfare system to enhance the action of all actors (both public and private) involved, to provide adequate services in an integrated form, and to promote positive relations between local communities and foreign people.
The Integrated Social Plan is a laboratory of ideas for planning, organizing, and implementing a model of social policies.
Particularly, for young people the objectives are:
- To offer opportunities to socialize and develop affective-relational skills.
- To promote healthy habits to improve quality of life and well-being.
- To promote youth to be protagonists.
- To limit the risks of social exclusion by supporting them.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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Priority 4B: Strengthening social cohesion and human resources.
Specific target 4.1: Improving access to employment and activation measures for all job seekers (in particular, young people, the long-term unemployed, the disadvantaged, and the economically inactive) and the promotion of self-employment and social economy.
Action 4B.a.1: Active Employment Policies in the framework of Integrated Territorial Interventions (ITI): This action paves the way for the development of active employment policies with an emphasis on the vulnerable. It is connected to Sustainable Urban Development Strategies and other territorial strategies.
Action 4B.a.2: Programs to promote employment: This action aims to promote the labour market integration of the long-term unemployed.
Action 4B.a.3: Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy: This action aims to strengthen social entrepreneurship in Western Greece. Examples include support for Social and Solidarity Economy enterprises (SMEs). In the context of this action, support, advisory, coaching and mentoring actions are included for new businesses to ensure their sustainability.
a) supporting regional enterprises in hiring young unemployed, particularly the socially vulnerable
b) promoting self-employment through funding entrepreneurship. Relevant actions will be reinforced through consulting, training, coaching mentoring, internships, voucher schemes, etc.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The Svishtov IDP identifies 12 priorities and 35 measures to achieve 5 strategic objectives.
Most relevant to the project proposal is Priority 3: Promoting sustainable employment and increasing entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly Measure 3.1" Support for the creation of new and development of start-up enterprises" and Measure 3.2 „Green corridor for young people “. There is a need for a special focus on young people aged 20-30 to enable them to feel relevant, supported and fulfilled as individuals ("Green Corridor" for young people). This can be done by promoting entrepreneurship and social engagement among the young population, for example by the means of volunteering programmes, at local and European levels, to involve the youth as active citizens and develop their professional skills.
Other secondary priorities, still connected to the project, under strategic objective 4:
Priority 8: Development of education and sport
Measure 8.2 Personal development and employment
Other secondary priorities, still connected to the project, under strategic objective 5:
Priority 11: Enhancing the management capacity of municipal administration
Measure 11.3 Cooperation
Priority 12: Increasing citizen and business participation in local governance
Measure 12.1 Awareness and mechanisms for participation in governance
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy is currently done with the active involvement of several public/private stakeholders interested in the economic and social progress of Lugoj.
Among the main objectives of the policy document, correlated to the project, the most relevant are:
- Supporting the development of skills-building education programmes - entrepreneurial skills
- Creation of entrepreneurship education and training programmes for high school students;
- Local support for the development of education and training programmes on qualifications and skills required by local industries and services
- Developing a partnership between academia and business through the introduction of new specialisations and the development of internship programmes and on-site training (e.g. on-the-job diploma work)
- Promoting local qualification and employment opportunities for the unemployed
- Development of training/specialisation programmes for the integration of people from disadvantaged groups into the labour market
- Counselling for labour market integration of vulnerable groups
- Exchange of best practices and transfer of know-how with national partners and European partners (e.g. twin cities)
- Development of partnerships with NGOs in terms of support and promotion of local skilled and unskilled labour, and social integration
- Implementation of sustainable civic education programmes like local civic initiatives to protect the environment
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The Strategy is divided into four strategic objectives:
1: A city for everyone
2: An efficient and active city
3: Developing the city
4: The city you want to live in
This project can help to reach various objectives thanks to volunteering for young people and international cooperation:
- Promoting tolerant attitudes in the field of freedom of belief, different attitudes and civil liberties
- Development of urban volunteering by increasing the involvement of young people in the daily work of the City Hall
- Creating and promoting additional support mechanisms with social and cultural organizations
- Enabling and stimulating the cooperation of stakeholders from business and science environment, and institutions and social organizations with the City of Kielce
- Spreading the entrepreneurial spirit through educational activities from an early age, in particular as part of classes and activities in kindergartens, schools and local culture clubs
- Conducting activities promoting professional activity of residents
- Providing entertainment venues for young people in the city and actively supporting education in all aspects and manners
- Broadening the cultural offer for young people
Partners working on this policy instrument
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General Characteristics:
RPR Development Programme 2022-2027 has formulated the following long-term strategic goals:
1) Socially inclusive communities of well-being (key words: communities, inclusive life,
2) Knowledge-based, green, innovative and flexible economy (key words: smart specialization, knowledge, initiatives, creativity, efficient mobility, healthy environment);
3) Ecologically tolerant life styles and locations (key words: flexible value-based region, harmony and diversity of lifestyle and environment, safety and information).
Related to the project issue:
- Priority 1 focusing on inclusive and sustainable communities in municipalities of the region proposes actions related to a) developing skills for civic engagement, collaboration in communities; b) improving local development strategies and improving the targeting of services for specific target groups;
- Priority 2 under “access to high quality and inclusive education” calls for ensuring support to non-formal education and equal opportunities for access to education”; “measures for prevention of drop-outs from education institutions”, as well as measures for encouraging NEETs (young people between 15-29) employment or returning to education
- Also, under Priority 5, the supported actions include a) identifying, participation and implementation of international and regional projects, identifying external ad local best practices and organizing exchanges for transfer.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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