Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The national objectives of the program are to renew the economic structure of the regions and to support the research, development and innovation activities of companies, promote employment and skills development and improves the inclusion of young and most vulnerable people. The cross-cutting priorities of the programme are sustainable development, gender equality, non-discrimination, digital development, internationalisation, climate change and innovation. Kainuu has 4 thematic objectives: (1) Wellbeing and employment, (2) Industries, skills and digital transition, (3) Green and Just Transition and (4) Accessibility and regional structure 2040.
The program includes 6 priority axis and 12 specific objectives. Each project under ESIF must deliver at least one of these specific objectives. Total budget is 2,494,000,000 € and total EU contribution is 1,469,000,000 €. In addition, the JTF will be 700,000,000 €. Part of the funding is allocated to the 19 regional authorities in Finland. The Regional Authorities act as intermediate bodies and are responsible for the distribution and monitoring of the funds. Kainuu’s share of the budget is approximately 100,000,000 €.
The ZCI project will affect specific objectives 2.1 (Improving energy efficiency and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions), 2.2 (adaptation to climate change, risk prevention, increasing the resilience) and 2.3 (promoting the move to circular economy).
Partners working on this policy instrument

Objective of “Increasing the share of RES on the territory of the municipality up to 32% by year 2030”.
The programme has 3 main goals.
Long - term goal 1
Effective utilization of renewable energy resources in public building and multi and single family buildings.
Long - term goal 2
Raising awareness and encouraging private investment in the construction of renewable energy installations in Burgas Municipality.
The indicators for achieving the goal are as follows:
- information campaign for different target groups (end users, industry, energy and fuel traders, tourism sector);
- new photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 5 MWp in business (energy is used for own needs);
- new installations for biomass utilization (outside the housing and municipal building stock) with a total capacity of 1 MW.
Long - term goal 3
Providing the necessary conditions for effective planning, implementation and monitoring of policies for the promotion and utilization of energy from renewable sources.
Within the current project we concentrate on Long term goals 2 and 3.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Gorenjska Regional Development Program 2021–2027(RDP) is a basic programming document at the regional level. It defines the advantages of the development region, determines its development priorities and financially evaluated programs and projects. It has been prepared in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Harmonious Regional Development, the Gorenjska RDP Preparation Program and the Decree on Regional Development Programs.
The RDP covers the geographical area of Gorenjska as a development region at the level of SKTE 3 and includes 18 municipalities: Bled, Bohinj, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Gorenja vas - Poljane, Gorje, Jesenice, Jezersko, Kranj, Kranjska Gora, Naklo, Preddvor, Radovljica, Šenčur, Škofja Loka, Tržič, Železniki, Žiri and Žirovnica. It includes Analysis of regional development potentials, strategic development part, development guidelines and prepared program part with development priorities, measures and regional projects.
Priority 6.4. Gorenjska - an energy-saving and clean region Green, low-carbon Gorenjska: measures and projects 6.4.1 Measure: Sustainable management of natural resources. Priority 6.5. Gorenjska - accessible and traffic safe region Connected Gorenjska: 6.5.1 Measure: Management, traffic calming and introduction of smart modes of mobility on alternative fuel sources.
Partners working on this policy instrument

In this policy period, the plan focuses on mobility, entrepreneurship, (combating) poverty, citizen participation, urban renewal, water, nature, sustainability, leisure, security, and care.
The policy plan (BBC: policy and management cycle plan) contains all actions and budgets for a policy period of 6 years. The current policy plan is in place until 2025- preparations start by the end of 2024. This project can thus influence the new policy agreement of 2026-2031 which will be written in 2025.
Sustainable Mobility & Climate neutral Mechelen
Partners working on this policy instrument

Goal of the policy is to promote alternative fuels in whole region.
In the transport sector, emissions will be reduced by 70 percent by 2030 compared with 2010- one of the most ambitious climate goals in the world. To achieve the goal, society is in needs a rapid transition to renewable fuels in the transport sector. If the position requires commitment, innovation and action from society all stakeholders. To achieve the goal, several renewable fuels will be needed within the current and future vehicle fleet. A well-functioning audience infrastructure for renewable fuels with good geographical coverage is therefore a absolutely crucial prerequisite for the conversion to a fossil-free vehicle fleet.
- Reinforced infrastructure for renewable fuels and electricity.
- Conversion of existing vehicle fleet to renewable fuels, e.g. eta zero and biogas.
- New car sales must focus entirely on vehicles with renewable fuel and electricity.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The purpose of the Law is to establish a regulatory, institutional, and instrumental framework to facilitate the regional transition towards a new socioeconomic and energy model with a low carbon economy.
Concretely, this Law aims to achieve climate neutrality in Navarra by the year 2050 adhering to the target set in the European framework legislation on climate (European Climate Law) actuating on renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility topics.
The priorities for Navarra are boosting the sustainable mobility roadmap and the creation of new mobility plans in each municipality with more than 5,000 inhabitants in the next two years. An energy transition is compulsory in the public road passengers transport and in the freight urban road transport including climate mitigation measures. In two years, townhalls with more than 10,000 inhabitants shall compose a plan to reduce emissions in the urban freight logistics. It encourages freight distribution with electric or cero emissions vehicles.
The Foral Law foresees the creation of environmental taxation tools but does not specify them, leaving their formulation for the future. In particular, within two years from now the drafts of the Foral Law containing the environmental taxation measures need to be presented to the Parliament. To this end, a working group made up of experts in tax and energy matters must be constituted within three months after the entry into force.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Cork City Climate Adaptation Strategy (2019-2024) aims to:
• Make Cork city as climate-resilient as possible, reducing the impacts of current and future climate change-related conditions and events
• Proactively engage with all citizens on the subject of climate action, such as climate change, cliamte change adaptation and climate change mitigation
The strategy sets out the following seven key thematic areas:
1. Local Adpatation Governance and Business Operations
2. Infrastructure and Buillt Environment
3. Land use and development
4. Drainage, Water and Flood Management
5. Nature, natural Resources and Cultural Infrastructure
6. Citizen Safety, Health and Wellbeing
7. Partnerships with other Sectors and Agencies
Infrastructure and Buillt Environment
Action 8.4 ‘’Support the rollout of electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the rollout of compressed natural gas (GNG) usage and corresponding infrastructure in Cork City, beginning with Cork City’s fleet.’’
Citizen Safety, Health and Wellbeing
Action 16.3 Raise awareness of the impact of climate change and the ways for citizens, businesses and communities to respond appropriately and to increase resilience to these impacts.’’
Partnerships with other Sectors and Agencies
Action 17.1 ‘’Liaise, collaborate and work in partnership with other sectors in the delivery of the sectoral actions, as approved by Government.‘’
Partners working on this policy instrument

The SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) is a long-term strategic planning tool (10 years) capable of including both infrastructural measures and accompanying measures relating to mobility management and mobility regulation. After a two-year process that involved figures from public administration (politicians and technicians), specialists, stakeholders, committees, associations, and citizens, Parma's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) was approved in March 2017 by the City Council.
The plan promotes:
• A regional vision that encompasses Parma and its surroundings;
• Environmentally-friendly and low-impact transport modes;
• An integrated mobility concept in which sustainability and efficient mobility are mutually beneficial objectives;
• Safe and considerate behaviour from citizens through compliance with traffic and parking regulations;
• An optimisation of long-distance and local infrastructure and services for both passengers and goods;
• The widespread use of technology in transport systems, such as in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS);
• The “Vision zero” approach to road safety;
• The testing of driverless vehicles.
The SUMP includes initiatives and measures in both the central urban area and suburbs that can guide the mobility and transport sectors in the direction of greater environmental, social, and economic sustainability. E-mobility is one of the key aspects, but needs to be further expanded and detailed in order to decisively increase EVs diffusion.
Partners working on this policy instrument