Framework for Community Health in the Aragón Health System: Primary Care (EACA)
The equity-based Community Care Strategy in Aragon, led by the Department of Health, aims to leverage Primary Care to enhance residents' health and well-being.
Personal Recovery Plans (PPR) in Community Resources for Severe Mental Disorders (SMD) platform.
Personal Recovery Plans (PPR) collaborative integrated care platform (healthcare & social) and managed through Electronic Health Records (EHR) for follow-up.
Development of a telemedicine service to diagnose and initiate reperfusion therapy for stroke in remote area hospitals within standard guideline times.
Implementation of the Electronic Health Record (GUHARA) in Primary Care
GUHARA (Aragón Global & Unique Electronic Health Record): a patient-centred EHR with an interoperable data model collecting patient info at any care level.
Health Network in Neighbourhoods is a long-term initiative dedicated to fostering community action and developing community-based interventions in a territory.
Intergenerational Coexistence & Health Promotion under the framework of Cinema and Health Programme
An asset for intergenerational health promotion via a cinema cohesion regional programme, including depopulated, deprived settings:
This tool facilitates the identification of health inequalities and guides decision-making in health promotion and prevention through thematic mapping.
TeleCTG Pomeranian Pilot Project was implemented as quick response and testing a telemedicine model in the field: prenatal care during late period of pregnancy.