Project summary
CIBUS (from the Latin for food, nutrition) aims to reduce food loss/waste across the production and supply chain thanks to increased public capacity to design, implement and monitor integrated, cross-sector and innovation-based policies.
Specific objectives:
- Create multi-stakeholder platforms (digital/physical) to engage public and private sector, spread knowledge and identify impactful measures;
- Strengthen capacity for innovation among food chain actors, promoting circularity, cross-sector approaches and new market opportunities;
- Increase data availability, consistency and transparency and create suitable evaluation frameworks;
- Define overall strategies to prevent and reduce food loss and waste (including use of bio-waste products), in line with the SDG Target 12.3, and integrate food loss/waste reduction into other policy areas.
8 EU territories (9 partners & 2 Associated Policy Authorities) cooperate in CIBUS targeting 8 policy instruments, to reduce food loss/waste across the production and supply chain:
- Bulgarian Association of Municipal Environmental Experts (Bulgaria) - lead partner
- Nicosia Development Agency (Cyprus) - partner
- Alto Minho Intermunicipal Community (Portugal) - partner
- Vejle Municipality (Denmark) - partner
- Maramures County Council (Romania) - partner
- Regional Council of Häme (Finland) - partner
- Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland) - partner
- Galway County Council (Ireland) - partner
- City Liège (Belgium) - partner
Associated Policy Authorities:
- Ministry of Environment and Water (Bulgaria)
- Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (Cyprus)
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A few numbers
2,136,491 € budget
01 Apr 2024-30 Jun 2028
9 partners