Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The policy objective of RCM’s ROP 2021-2027 and its specific objective that aims at promoting innovative and smart economic transformation in the region is the following:
Policy objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.
Specific objective: RSO1.3. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies. The region aims at strengthening applied research by academic/research institutions in fields that are usable for the needs of the regional economy with priority in the RIS3 disciplines, strengthening capacity to exploit the knowledge offered to produce added value products and services, strengthening joint research efforts of businesses and academic or research institutions to introduce all forms of innovation, strengthening the administrative and operational capacity of regional innovation and entrepreneurship support structures in the region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The vision of the RUS is Västerbotten to be an innovative and smart region. This is to be achieved by means of initiatives that are aimed at 2 objectives: an innovation engine for sustainable development, considering the impact of climate change; an innovation ecosystem with strong and inclusive innovation processes. The RUS targets all the UN’s global goals.
Under these 2 objectives, DeepTechValleys well addresses the following sub-priorities of the PI:
Capacity for Collaboration/Collective Action. Västerbotten aims to develops the capacity of digital innovation ecosystem and the structures established for promoting digitalisation. The PI aims at stimulating collaboration between different actors (universities, civil society organisations, public authorities, science parks, clusters, companies) to develop sustainable growth in the region within digitalization and smart specialisation to meet the challenges of the future.
Digitalisation/New Solutions. The PI aims at facilitating the access of university to research and innovation funding instruments for developing digitalisation and new technical solutions; empowering mechanisms of coordination with actors from at a national and EU level.
Developing Innovations. The PI aims at increasing the innovation capability of universities, large industry and SMEs as key actors in the regional and global innovation ecosystems that are crucial for the Upper Norrland EU towards the establishment of a deep tech innovation valley.
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South-West Oltenia Regional Programme 2021-2027, Developing and increasing R&I capabilities and adopting advanced technologies, 1st Priority/RIS3
At the level of South-West Oltenia Region, RIS3 was developed in a broad consultative process. The projects financed under the first Priority within South-West Oltenia Regional Programme 2021-2027 will be in accordance with South-West Oltenia RIS3.South-West Oltenia RIS3 2021-2027 proposes a coherent framework for investments, which focuses on supporting start-ups and innovative SMEs, strengthening current infrastructures, capacities and competences in research and innovation, stimulating cooperation between organizations public research and innovative industries and facilitating the ascent in the economic chain.
The SW Oltenia Regional Program is elaborated taking into consideration the conclusions drawn from RIS 3, therefore, the 1st Priority within the SW Oltenia Regional Program can be improved following the implementation of the activities provided in the project.
The regional policy assumed by RIS3 supports the development and consolidation of partnerships between companies, universities, RDI organizations, thus creating the conditions for improving the capacity of SMEs in terms of increasing competitiveness and introducing innovation through technological transfer.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Styrian Economic Development Act 2001 aims to strengthen the Styrian economy by securing and improving the infrastructure and the employment situation, as well as the competitiveness of companies, while taking into account the economic, ecological and technological characteristics present in the region.
Particular focus is placed on supporting the establishment and growth of SMEs as well as the creation of qualified jobs. Further points:
• promotion of knowledge and technology transfer
• support of local supply chains
• support of regional initiatives and networks
• formation of networks and
• support for internationalisation
However, as stated before, there is no specific scheme directly targeting companies developing highly innovative technologies. Support for companies currently depends only on demographical factors.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Financial Instrument for Digitalization of Industry is a partially repayable support instrument intended to bridge the investment gap of industrial companies in the field of new digital technologies. It is based on a 5 per cent subsidy from the funds of the Operational Programme Slovakia (OP Slovakia), the aim of which is to ensure the feasibility assessment of a digitalization project. This support will increase its relevance and lead to an additional 95 per cent repayable loan from a financial intermediary (bank, management company or other legal entity). The rationale for using this instrument stems from the need to finance the country’s investment priorities in a sustainable way by using several funds for the same purpose. The instrument allows for the mobilisation of a large amount of private capital and resources from financial institutions, as well as the integration of private sector decision-making and know-how in the pursuit of public objectives. The financial instrument and its mechanism are linked to the SK RIS3 2021+ domains, in particular to Domain 1 (Innovative Industry for the 21st Century) and Domain 3 (Digital Transformation of Slovakia), and also the priorities defined in the OP Slovakia and the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2030. It also follows current EU trends and strategies focused on the transformation of the manufacturing industry into a smart, circular and socially sustainable one.
Partners working on this policy instrument

PI addresses National Progress Plan task 1.5 "Promote the development, deployment and diffusion of advanced technologies and innovations". Selected policy instrument in particular address two key issues: low business investments in R&D and the insufficient share of innovative enterprises in total enterprises. Therefore, the implementation of the policy instrument aims to promote the creation of science-intensive businesses and science-business cooperation, develop an entrepreneurial culture in science and higher education institutions as well as to promote the development, deployment and dissemination of advanced technologies and innovations. The objective of the selected policy instrument is to provide support for science-business cooperation in the revised smart specialisation areas.
The policy instruments aims to involve Quadruple Helix (QH) actors (scientific and research organizations, universities, SMEs, start-ups, researchers, innovation support organizations, etc.) to form missions’ themes which are dedicated to solving societal challenges and to create conditions for all QH actors to joint consortium. This model should be implemented under coherent strategy from the development of R&D idea to the commercialization of high value-added scientific knowledge. Policy measure will be implemented throughout the whole of Lithuania. The issues, target groups and activities addressed by this policy instrument are also in line with the project objectives. PI duration: 2022-2030
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Startup Capital is a direct aid of up to €100,000 for newly created technology startups. The aid is from a non-refundable public competition and does not need guarantees. The main characteristics are the following:
• The total previous financing received by the startup (in all formulas) up to the date of the application must be less than €250,000.
• A maximum amount of €99,000 and €1,000 in the advice of a Mentor accredited by ACCIÓ.
• The intensity of the aid will be 75% of the eligible cost, with a maximum of €99,000 per project.
• The minimum accepted eligible cost must be €135,000.
• The beneficiary startup will receive an advance of 80% of the aid granted automatically, without the need for guarantees.
• The actions financed with the Startup Capital aid may be carried out for a period of 24 months from the closing of the call, without the possibility of extension.
The objective is to increase the number of early-stage deeptech startups that can reach the market and grow. We act in the acceleration stage, which is defined by finding the best market fit for the technology. The aim is to mentor companies to find a validated solution for a specific market need, trough connecting entrepreneurs with corporations, in order to develop proofs of concept and with highly specialized seed VCs, enabling the ventures to grow.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategy materializes the Integrated Strategy for Territorial Development for the region and coincides with the implementation of the programming periods of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Portugal. It is a policy instrument that helps to integrate regional strategy and EU objectives to sub regional level and at the same time to mobilize the FEEI resources of local intermunicipal community to implement the strategy adopted.
The priorities strengthening the business environment, territorial pact for employability and entrepreneurship, network for inclusion and promotion of social development and infrastructure and environmental services network directly contributes to the implementation initiatives for more sustainable and innovative systems. It foresees interventions related to infrastructures and their integration in the specific context development of innovative solutions and pilot actions in the field of sustainable urban development and resource efficiency.
Partners working on this policy instrument

SRESRI stands as the local policy instrument entry point for tackling Deeptech Emergence-related topics on the territory. Through its Ambitions 2 & 3, SRESRI seeks notably to both accelerate public-private cooperation in the research domain & capitalise on these ever-closer relations for building-up a fruitful landscape of experimentations, at the regional level.
In its sub-goals 7 & 8, it exposes 5 measures for bridging the gap between innovators, via public-private cross-sector thesis & the role of student as intermediary between companies & universities, for providing those crossover collaborations with priority fundings & for organizing a competing regional research hub by stimulating contacts & experimentations on the basis of cutting-edge technology platforms.
These guiding targets are deepened & detailed via complementary incentives arising from SRESRI funding schemes that aim at concretizing interaction between stakeholders located at symmetrical spots of the technology transfer lines. To that extent, 4 operational incentives have been elaborated & integrated to the broader policy scheme:
1. Community-building between the local entrepreneurship & academic ecosystems
2. Call for application to source promising technologies from research bodies to be encouraged & supported in the technology transfer process
3. Improved incubations of Deep-tech profiles
4. Trainings for regional BSO in order to gear them with the optimized tools for accelerating Deep-Tech businesses
Partners working on this policy instrument