Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The region of central Macedonia is a key region for the development of the whole Balkan region, due to its international airport, the international port, the railway network and the well development road network. Still actions are required in order to improve the accessibility of the region. The region has put a strong emphasis the development of alternative forms of sustainable tourism, including sport tourism, and the development of its brand as a destination for sport tourism. The challenge is to prolong the tourism period, support mass tourism, but also promote sustainability with the development of sport tourism in communities/ places where tourism is underdeveloped. The incorporation of local communities, the respect of the environment and the creation of economic activity are the main prerequisites for the successful implementation of the sport tourism development strategy. The region has strong competitive advantages for the creation of sport tourism activities, because of the physical environment, the weather but also the infrastructure. The international brand of mount Olympus, the unique suburban forest of Seich Sou, the mountain part of Halkidiki are some examples of places where the region aims to promote sustainable sport tourism. The region is also very active on the organisation of sport events:The Alexander the Great Marathon with more than 20.000 runners is the second biggest running event in Greece, Olympus Marathon ,Olympic Day Run etc.
The main objectives, characteristics, priority or measure addressed of this policy instrument are:
- The formation of the overall touristic identity of sports tourism in the Central Macedonia Region as well as the design, development and implementation of the strategy for development of sports tourism.The development of sustainable sport tourism in the region as a new and / or supporting tourism product.Promotion and information for its entirety sports tourism product in the Region of Central Macedonia.
The creation of positive economic, social and environmental impacts for local communities, in which tourism is underdeveloped.Highlighting the touristic advantages of the Region of Central Macedonia as important touristic, commercial, economic, religious and cultural center in N.A. Europe.
Priority of Measure: As previously noted the Region of Central Macedonia has a Tourism Development Promotional plan. This project aims to strengthen within this plan the promotion of the policy documents and promotional plan and will emphasize on:
- How sport tourism can be developed and how can be designed special thematic tourism development programs in the line of sustainable sport tourism, which is one of the forms of alternative tourism that the Region aims to develop.
- Developing actions and taking initiatives for fuller implementation of the activities referred to sports tourism.
The aspect of sustainability is still not well dened and developed and addressed in.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Large amount of tourism products in Lapland are related to physical outdoor activity. Simultaneously sport sector in Lapland is contributing to tourism through e.g. sport events and training camps for top athletes. However, the potential of sport tourism and its’ different forms haven’t been fully recognised or utilised in Lapland and the synergies between tourism sector and sport sector are weak. One of Lapland’s main goals in tourism is to increase the amount of tourism in summer season so that it would cover 40% of the total tourism revenue.Sport tourism has business potential also in remote and rural areas that are located outside major tourism destinations and sport centres.Large amount of sport tourism in Lapland is outdoor activities, and uncontrolled growth of outdoor activities are posing a threat to the fragile Nordic environment. Uncontrolled, the sport activities can also cause safety risks and disturbance to local people. Minimising the environmental impact and creating opportunities for local communities is a key aspect in creating sustainable business as well as responding to the consumer demands. Inclusive tourism as a part of socially sustainable tourism (see Biddulph & Scheyvens 2017) includes various viewpoints that can be seen also in socially sustainable development of sports: marginalized people as producers and consumers, promotion of mutual understanding and respect, widening participation in decision-making.
The main objectives, characteristics, priority or measure addressed of this policy instrument are:
Innovation and skills in Finland 2021–2027 EU regional and structural policy programme is divided into six priority areas of which this project is addressing priority area
1. Innovative Finland,and it’s specific objectives:
1.1. Improving research and innovation capacity and the uptake of advanced technologies,
1.2.Utilising the advantages of digitalisation
1.3.Improving the growth and competitiveness of SMEs
The aim is to increase the intensity of RDI and to promote business-based innovation activities, that are driven by climate and sustainable development goals. Increasing cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes.Supporting uptake of new technologies and opening new business opportunities. Increasing the growth and internationalization, business know-how, digitalisation, investments for growth and productivity, and RDI activities of SMEs.
In Lapland European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds are directed to activities that contribute to the goals of regional S3,regional development programme and regional tourism strategy. Both tourism and sport are recognised in Lapland’s S4. In the recently renewed Lapland's Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy, the monitoring and evaluation process that influences implementation plans is continuous. This presents a good opportunity to gain insights from international cooperation.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland is the Managing Authority and regional state organisations and municipal Regional Councils intermediate bodies
Partners working on this policy instrument

Many notable sport events take place yearly in our region, like Oltenias Marathon and National Rally Speed Championship. There are infrastructures for cycling ,car rally, mountaineering and rising prospects for paragliding and an area which is recommended for winter sports: skiing, snowboarding. An important resource for the region is tourism, with 13 tourist resorts (6 of which are in rural areas) and other areas in the region. Tourism potential is insufficiently capitalized due to the poor condition or lack of public tourism infrastructure and leisure/recreational alternatives, including sports activities.
Identified issues:
-insufficient exploitation of tourism potential-rural & urban areas have degraded public spaces,
-poor state of cultural & touristic heritage.
In response to identified challenges, the following are considered:
-Development of tourism infrastructure & public tourism assets.
-Improving of rural & urban environment through physical regeneration of rural & urban public spaces, including tourism infrastructure.
It is essential to ensure that tourism sector development, is sustainable and does not harm the environment.
Ecological solutions (green roofs and walls) are encouraged in accord with Europe Strategy for Green Infrastructure (GI strategy). RDA promotes green public procurement to beneficiaries, with low environmental impact, environment responsibility, Europe New Bauhaus initiative, DNSH principles compliance as project selection criteria, climate focused.
The main objectives, characteristics, priority or measure addressed of this policy instrument are:
-Region Progr. South-West Oltenia 2021-2027 - the Priority 7
- Sustainable territorial development, Component 2
- Development of public tourism infrastructure & public tourism assets in rural tourist resorts Specific objective RSO5.2
- Sustainable integrated territorial development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism & security (other than urban)
Types of interventions defined:
• modernization of natural sport tourism objectives of public utility & creation / upgrading of related infrastructures of public utility;
• development of small-scale public infrastructures to capitalize on sport tourist attractions (complementary to main investment);
• creation & extension of public recreational infrastructure, including related utilities;
• marketing & sport tourism promotion activities of financed objective;
• creation / rehabilitation of pedestrian alleys, cycle paths, rehabilitation of sidewalks, local streets RP aims to improve MA capacity to develop sport tourism by public investments.
Project can support development of inter-regional (partner regions) guidelines to apply & integrate sport tourism component into regional investment priorities, good practice exchanges & peer-learning. Policy instrum. could be more effective stimulating participation of s/holders by a leverage effect to support sport tourism investment operations, to address more effectively sport tourism challenges affecting the region territory, thus contributing to region’s development.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Roeselare is a medium-sized city located in West-Flanders, Belgium. The cities is build up of an urban city centre, surrounded with more rural areas. The cities has 65.318 inhabitants but has a central function in the region, which reaches about 250.000 inhabitants. Roeselare is biggest partner within the regional intercommunal cooperation Midwest and takes a leading role in this cooperation. Flanders is the cycling Walhalla of the world, a unique position that is the result of strong cycling culture and a large amount of cycling competition. The cycling heritage is important pillar of the tourist program, one of the three main focusses. The city has a cycling museum of the highest quality, it connects heritage with contemporary collections, scientifi c research, technology, extensive archives and much more. The policy instrument addresses the city’s approach to cycling as a policy priority within tourism and sports. It identifi es the key focusses, exploration of opportunities and building connections. It is important to note that KOERS and cycle racing is the main reasons for tourist visits in the city. The city wants to further develop the instrument to build new sustainable tourist products in this domain, develop the international cooperation and encourage sustainable tourist routes. In addition to expanding products, we would like to develop the policy instrument to strengthen the European narrative and the inclusiveness.
The PI describes the embedding of the city policy. The vision and mission start from the Flemish and European history. The plan identifies several improvement points on collection registration, use of digital technology, regional cooperation and connection to the broader framework.
The KOERS PI identifies several specific objectives:
- Focus on the development of a rich and divers cultural and heritage landscape: including (European) cooperation and the building of networks.
- Care for heritage and sustainability
- Encouragement and strengthening digital transformation
- Everyone for heritage and heritage for everyone (cocreation and inclusiveness)
In addition to the specific objectives, the PI identifies 3 transversal priorities:
1. Focus on societal and cultural diversity through globalising, encouragement of gender equality and attraction of youth.
2. Ecological sustainability and cultural heritage management
3. Digital transformation (open data, scalability, participation and innovation)
The PI has named several strategic goals:
Cycle racing as a proud European authority in cycling history
KOERS invites a divers public to a powerful experience
This goal has a subgoal on awareness raising on sustainable mobility and societal value of bikes
KOERS as a innovative frontrunner in the collection, monitoring and safeguarding the cyclingheritage
Active knowledge sharing with organisations and partners
Partners working on this policy instrument

Silute district municipality 41 093 inh. The silute is surrounded by water, which is why water sports are being developed. Every year, the region is visited by 20,000 tourists for water sports.Šilutė District Municipality organizes sports events every year, which attract sports tourists from Lithuania and abroad:basketball competition (NKL match) Lithuanian Football II LEAGUE football match cycleCycling on the cognitive, historical trails of the eldership.A PEDESTRY HIKE is organized every year in Šilutė on the banks of the Šyša River.swimming SUP after fl ooded meadowsIn Silute municipality, there is a kayaking school, a sailing activity for the disabled with lasers and optimistic boats, and a sailing school.Silute susttainable sport tourism development:Strenght: unique geographical location for water sports enthusiasts, visual attractiveness,a wide range of water sports.
Silutes district municipality tourism marketing strategy, will be adapted for new period Lithuania Operational Programme for EU Structural Funds Investments 2021 – 2027.
Investments of strategy will focus on the following key areas:
5 Priority. Lithuania is closer to its citizens - Specific task - 5.1. Promoting integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, fostering culture, the natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in urban areas
Specific task - 5.2. Promote integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development at local level, foster culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and security in non-urban areas.
The selection of actions is based on the FZ strategies approved by the municipalities, which list the supported actions. Strategies shall be developed in accordance with the requirements applicable to the territorial strategy set out in Article 29 of the CPR, ensuring the active involvement of the public, LAGs, social and environmental partners in the strategy development process.
VVL region (Central and Western Region) on 5 priority will get 306 mln. Eur. per period)
Sustainable tourism development strategy for Silute region to get funding will focuse on jobs and income opportunities, well-being of tourists, welfare of the locals, enhancement of accessibility, sustainable use of natural resources, educating tourists and the locals.
Partners working on this policy instrument