Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The SIDU was developed by Bucharest City Hall and the World Bank with the aim of identifying the best solutions to bring the capital up to the standards of major European and global metropolises, proposing projects of strategic importance with short, medium and long-term impact. The strategy responds to the question: What will the city look like in 30 years? Each strategic objective corresponds to a set of specific sectoral objectives, which address the areas analysed and diagnosed during the pre-strategy phase. These objectives will subsequently be implemented in the form of policy packages - programmes - projects that respond to the needs identified through analysis and public consultation.
The connected city: Specific objective 1. Promoting sustainable urban mobility and growth accessibility to transport, energy, communications networks
The innovative city: SO 2. Supporting the transition to a smart economy and competitive in a global context, based on talents
The sustainable city: SO 3. Preservation of natural heritage, reduction of pollution, a greenhouse gas emissions, and limiting the effects of risks (including those associated climate change)
The inclusive city: SO 4. Promoting social inclusion and diversity, ensuring non-discriminatory access to infrastructure and public services
The attractive city: SO 5. Efficient use of land and the built fund, enhancing the historical heritage and the urban landscape.
Partners working on this policy instrument

As a cross-sectional approach, SMS addresses various sectors among which in particular mobility, tourism, culture, utilizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a steering tool. Already used as a basis for the development of the strategy the SDGs are also valorised for monitoring leading to the establishment of a contemporary, innovative policy tool.
Looking at the whole region, the strategy is aiming at establishing baseline standards, governance structures, and a system architecture, as well as piloting and evaluating new implementation measures as a model and scaling up the measures that have proved successful. This iterative and participatory implementation process is currently being carried out in a multi-stakeholder approach with numerous partners. An important implementation component is the ongoing federally funded project, "Pilot Projects Smart Cities," in which we are the lead partner. This project aims at making destinations more resilient using new technologies. Tourism is a sector of the economy that has been severely affected by the pandemic and the ongoing recovery phase is considered as a challenge and chance to make it more sustainable. Tourism is a cross-sectoral field that touches many other sectors crucial to regional development and can be considered as a marker of the quality of life in the region. In this sense, the strategy is a holistic approach and a fundamental element delivering on the transformation process into a sustainable region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic development plan is a complex legal strategic planning document that determines the general development strategy of the municipality: development priorities, goals, tasks, means for implementing the strategy and implementation stages. The strategic development plan makes it possible to determine the current location and importance of the district in the economic and social life of the country, to evaluate constantly changing development trends, and to analyze their significance for municipal policy. In the 2021-2028 strategic activity plan, three priorities of the Alytus district municipality are formed: 1. Sustainable, harmonious, innovative economic development and developed infrastructure; 2. Smart, active, focused communities, advanced, socially responsible self-government; 3. Comfortable, welcoming, green area. Each priority has goals and objectives.
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The Comune di Reggio Calabria has issued a specific decree, known as the Reggio Decree, for the establishment of the New Civic Museum of Reggio Calabria. The Reggio Decree serves as one of the cornerstones of the administrative action in a city like Reggio Calabria, which is eager to develop. The Reggio Decree supports the development of the Calabrian economy by creating jobs. One of its main objectives is to promote cultural activities, museums, and tourist attractions. The reconstruction and development of the New Civic Museum of Reggio Calabria stand as a key focus. It outlines the process of property acquisition by the Curia (the local church authority) and the ongoing restoration efforts, which are being carried out by the Municipality itself. To support the intervention and restoration work, credit lines have been secured to provide the necessary financial resources. The Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Plan 2023-2026 aims to enhance the national and international competitiveness of regional tourism, to improve the quality of offerings and the market orientation of territorial tourist packages, to highlight specific local competitive advantages, such as the natural and cultural resources embodied by the new Civic Museum. Reggio Calabria has recently announced public competitions to fill various positions related to the project thus126 job positions are available.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic plan of grants of the Provincial Council of Badajoz for 2023 is the instrument of the provincial entity to implement its public policies, indicating the sources of funding and control mechanisms, contributing to transparency, simplification and improvement of management. The plan has 3 general objectives:
1. To provide the Provincial Council with an instrument for planning public policies that aim to promote an activity of public utility or social interest related to the matters within its competence.
2. From an economic and financial perspective, to define more uniform management instruments across the different delegations and areas to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of grants.
3. From the perspective of transparency, access to public information and good governance, contributing to the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the existing regulations in this area.
Article 5 of the Ordinance on Grants of the Provincial Council of Badajoz [BOP No 29 of 9 February 2007] states that ‘in accordance with Article 8 of the General Grants Act (national legislation) and Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Subsidy Regulation, the Provincial Council of Badajoz shall, on an annual basis and prior to the various calls and concessions, approve a strategic plan of grants intended to specify the objectives, guidelines and effects intended, foreseeable costs and sources of financing, subject in any case to the objectives of budgetary stability’
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategy is presented in a coherent sequence, with three main steps closely linked:
• Diagnosis of trends in action in world tourism and the most recent competitive performance of tourism in Portugal and in Alentejo and Ribatejo, allowing to base a complex picture of strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats that identifies five major strategic challenges (internationalization, attractiveness , competitiveness, sustainability and governance);
• The formulation of an audacious but achievable strategic path based on which an ambition is established for Tourism in Alentejo and Ribatejo in 2027, which systematizes six major global objectives to be achieved and two fundamental principles for the development of the tourism model of the region;
• The identification of the rationale for the strategy, its priorities, four structuring programs - aimed at building synergies with the territory, with culture and creativity, with the environment and with knowledge, which allow valuing the transversality of the value chain tourism, and many other strategic lines of action that frame the planning and development of a set of initiatives aimed at strengthening business competitiveness, leveraged by innovation and internationalization, valuing the role of territories in configuring the attractiveness of destinations, planning optimized communication and promotion and the effectiveness of the governance model.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Over the next 10 years, Vlissingen will focus on the reinforcing contrasts in the city:
• A historic maritime experience of the old 17th century city center and a 21st century waterfront district with a maritime industrial character;
• Remnants of the battle of Vlissingen as a gateway to the world's oceans and the stories of illustrious inhabitants of Vlissingen;
• A boulevard with a bathing beach on the south ('the balcony of Zeeland'), with a green hinterland where visitors can actively relax.
The municipality opts for 2 target groups, which the Netherlands Bureau for Tourism & Congresses (NBTC) expects to be very interesting. These target groups are the 'quality seekers' and the 'independent adventure traveller'. This creates opportunities for more quality accommodation. This will have a positive effect on the local economy. For this new target group, Vlissingen is a base for visiting the rest of Zeeland. Guests are digitally tempted to come to Vlissingen. Priority has been given to formulating guidelines, along which the quality of new accommodation and the impact on the quality of life can be tested. In connection with the municipal city marketing, the municipality will shape and take up the promotion together with the entrepreneurs; We try to give new initiatives by private parties that are in line with the vision a chance and will be facilitated. These initiatives can serve as a flywheel for new developments. Improvement of experiencing the city is central.
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The TOP Plus programme operates within the framework of the EU's Cohesion Policy financed by the ERDF and the ESF, along with co-financing from the Hungarian state.TOP Plus supports territorially-based development throughout Hungary, aiming to improve the development position of regions and counties at EU level and within the country, with a special focus on the territorial development of the least developed counties and underdeveloped regions, while strengthening the position of more advantaged regions. Building on the achievements of the previous TOP, it will continue its thematic approach and model through integrated territorial programmes. The programme supports mainly local development, with a broad development theme covering economic recovery, job creation and expansion, and the maintenance of population and the provision of regional and local conditions for family protection. In order to achieve these objectives, the TOP Plus contains 6 priorities out of which "Livable County" and "Competitive County" deal with the sustainable tourism development. The need to exploit the potential of digitalisation is relevant for all priorities, but for this project we focus on the 2 priorities mentioned above. In recent years the national governement has put great emphasis on the digitalisation of local government administration with sigificant progress and results. It is also important to extend the benefits of digitisation to other sectors.
Partners working on this policy instrument