Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
On the Strategic direction 2, Specific objective 4 - Development of SMART urban and rural communities by digitization, there are 3 targets by 2030, 2 of them being a County Digital Strategy and 80% digital public and private services available. Digitisation of local public services and the use of SMART City solutions and SMART Village will contribute to streamlining the administrative process, increasing interest and satisfaction of beneficiaries with quality, safe and fast public services. Also, 2 from 4 of the measures and actions are 3. Strengthen administrative capacity on digitisation and operation of digital services through training and information and 4. Encouraging the use of digital solutions to improve the lives of urban and rural residents. The Strategy does not have specific targets on training on digital skills, but mentions the need for specific training in this area for public employees so it will be the main objective of the program.
Partners working on this policy instrument
This is a new policy started in 2022 (the end is planned in 2030) as a combination of different policies and include also the training policy for skill improvement.
The training plan is based on courses and is addressed to all PL staff. It is a very traditional, and almost old style type of training, focusing only on the staff of the organization while the Law allows PL to help municipalities to implement a training plan as well.
Using the same way of training by courses for digital skills is less effective than using other ways of involvement; furthermore the age of the employee and its remaining period of work can affect his willingness to learn.
We need also to incorporate the training policy within the main process of work evolution inside the organization including the evaluation process.
The policy is the main strategy for human resources management, including hiring process, organization model and training for growing of skills.
The training plan is based on courses and is addressed to all PL staff. It includes: mandatory training for HSE and for fighting corruption, together with specific updates necessary for the specific work done (i.e. shooting, for police agents); training for staying updated in laws or regulations for any specific work; reskilling training for staff to know better tools and regulations which can help them improve their skills and finally deliver a service to citizen in less time or in an accurate way or save related costs.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Riga Planning Region Development Programme 2021-2027 and Action Plan adresses digitazition and digital competences under several priorities :
1) Priority 3 «Internationally competitive region » sets the goal « Improving digital competences and innovation » which includes the following measures:
R.3.3.1 : Investments in human capital, research and innovation, use of new, digital technologies, support for development of digital communities,
R.3.3.3 Digital transformation, improving access to digitization, automation, robotization, artificial intelligence (AI), for instance, through preparing digital mentors in communities ;
R.3.3.4: ensuring high level digital skills and innovation management;
R.3.2 : supporting ICT and smart specialization in entrepreneurship.
2) Under Priority 1 “Specialized services and sustainable communities” it emphasizes the goal to develop efficient e-services and promote e-participation (active citizenship through use of digital platforms);
3) Under Priority 2 “Education and Science” it sets the goals
- to promote IT and digitization in education management and study process, to ensure education infrastructure which links with industry 4.0 and all latest technologies;
- international cooperation for digitization of research and striving for excellence in European common cloud of research and science.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The main goal of the policy instrument is to define a methodology, a path towards digital skills mastering for civil servants in the City of Paris, that could be replicable to other European public servants in various types of administration. This methodology will, for instance (but not exclusively), include a digital competences standard reference, which would be applicable for all job sectors, new training methods and tools, brainstorming and mapping workshops with operational departments, the creation of a digital mediation task force, a methodology and a governance for change, etc.
City of Paris has already set several measures targeted towards its civil servants :
- participation in training courses to master key competences in digital domain (formation plan)
- particular coaching towards specific populations of public agents implicated in conversion journey
- implementation of a digital meditation task force
- self training through a proper platform accessible to all public agents
- evaluation of digital skills enhancement through Pix tool
Through the renovation of our policy and its instruments, we pursue following goals :
- implementation of a digital skills framework
- governance of this framework
- systematic involvement of managing teams into training of their teams
Partners working on this policy instrument
Digitalization is a policy instrument whose specific objective 1.2 promotes taking advantage of the benefits that digitization offers to citizens, companies, research organizations and public administrations, for the digital transformation of the Community. It focuses on information and communication technologies as facilitating tools to achieve social and territorial cohesion, improvement in the provision of public services, innovation and competitiveness of the economy, with the aim of achieving greater rural development and the creation of employment. Digital transformation is a long-term process, in which the Community of Castilla y León has already travelled a long way. Among the public administration digitization actions are the following lines: a) Facilitate the management of public services; b) Promote Electronic Administration; c) Promote business competitiveness through ICT, d) Support the acquisition of digital skills.
The measure addressed by our departments within this policy instrument falls within the lines of action a) Facilitate the management of public services; ; b) Promote Electronic Administration and d) support the acquisition of digital skills, among whose actions is the promotion of digital competences of public employees of the Administration of the Community of Castilla y León, as a tool key to contribute to the digitization of public services.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The policy instrument sets the strategy for the next 5 years that will enable the Ministry, and each sector individually, to achieve the objectives set at cross-functional and sectoral levels. Digital is one of the 5 axes. We are pursuing the digital revolution and the digitization of our processes. Having the right digital skills in the right places is essential. Our ability to acquire and develop key skills, especially the most critical ones, is therefore becoming a crucial issue. If we want to control the evolution of our human resources, we need to develop and enhance our employees' skills.
Our vision : at the administrative level, mastering digital skills will allow teams to be autonomous, efficient, agile and collaborative. They will use technology to create new business models and with ingenuity in new challenges. Personal digital dexterity will allow us to use the collective intelligence of our teams in our projects, whether digital or not. Public institutions will have a high added value by creating a significant social impact through their actions.
Our objectives :
1. Develop a specific methodology and governance on the topic of digital skills in public organizations;
2. Contribute to the ecosystem of digital skills and participate in the pooling of expertise;
3. Develop and enhance the digital skills of FWB agents and supervisory staff;
4. Implement tools and training dedicated to the development and certification of digital skills