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Cork City Council Clothing recycling event

By Project FEEL
Clothing swap day

Cork City Council have set up a clothes swap event. Participants are invited to donate five good quality items and in exchange, choose five new items to upgrade their wardrobe. The ‘shopping’ event will be on the 7th of December inviting participants and others to choose a new outfit. This action has the added benefit of avoiding the carbon impact in the fashion industry, reusing unwanted items, and preventing excess waste. The event will contribute to the objectives of the FEEL Project by considering the resources it takes to create new fashion. Just one pair of jeans can use over 7500 liters of water. Choosing to get a second-hand item avoids these impacts by negating the energy required to manufacture new fashions.

The FEEL Project aims to influence policymakers to improve the management of resources and implement the frugal concept. The frugal city considers their resource use by taking actions on sufficiency and choosing to avoid energy use in housing, urban services and in communities. Implementing frugality in cities can benefit local authorities, citizens, biodiversity, and communities by empowering them with the knowledge to implement sufficiency.

Circular economy
Citizen engagement
Energy transition