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Green training to inspire youth in the Liguria Region

By Project FEEL

The second regional stakeholder meeting under the Interreg Europe FEEL - Frugal cities through Energy Efficiency and Low-tech communities’ project, the third since its start in February, was held on Tuesday, December 12, involving an expanded group of key stakeholders from the area.

Regional Stakeholder Meeting

The meeting, held at the User Service Center of A.R.T.E. Imperia, focused on the comparison and discussion of central themes such as frugality, sustainable living and NEETs, and the active participation of those present made it possible to gather many comments and suggestions from the territory itself, especially in reference to the actions falling under the Garanzia Occupabilità Lavoratori (GOL) program, in the fields of youth training and direct link between the completion of a training course and the person's insertion into the world of work.

Representatives from A.R.T.E. Imperia, Parco Naturale Regionale Apli Liguri (Ligurian Alps Regional Nature Park), Centri di Educazione Ambientale (Environmental Education Centers) Imperia, Centri per l’Impiego Imperia (Employment Centers), University of Genoa, Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato (National Confederation of Crafts) Imperia, Ture Nirvane social cooperative, MeWe Abitare collaborativo (collaborative living), ISFORCOOP Liguria (Training Agency), SEI CPT Imperia (Imperia Construction School - Territorial Joint Committee), USR (Regional School Office).

To not miss any updates, stay connected and go to the project website at this link:  https://www.regione.liguria.it/


Citizen engagement
Energy efficiency
Lifelong learning
Resource efficiency