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Knowledge sharing in Liguria to empower vulnerable groups

By Project FEEL

On Monday 20th May, Regione Liguria organised a regional stakeholder meeting with the participation of IRE, The Regional Agency of Energy and ARTE Imperia, the Regional Agency of Public Housing within the framework of the FEEL Project.

Specifically, it was a morning of discussion and exchange of experiences among the stakeholders on the topic of energy and sufficiency and, on tips that ca ebb adopted in daily life to consume less energy and consequently reduce environmental impacts.

The morning, intended as a training session from IRE staff to ARTE Imperic staff, covered the basic concepts of electricity and gas consumption, providing also economic advice and tips regarding energy saving issues (eg. applying for social bonuses, how to choose safely on the free market, how to defend oneself against aggressive commercial offers etc.)

The knowledge acquired by ARTE Imperia operators during the training will be transferred to the more vulnerable population through the energy desk located at the ARTE Imperia Headquarters.

Citizen engagement
Energy poverty
Energy transition
Social housing
Vulnerable groups