Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The key policy objective in the PI aimed at strengthening Food SMEs and their sustainable transition is linked to Policy Objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe and its specific objectives. RSO1.1. Enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies including joint research efforts of companies and research institutions to introduce innovation and utilization of new knowledge for production of added-value products. With interventions: Support for research infrastructure, Promotion of research, technological development and innovation activities by companies, Connecting businesses with research community. Total financing 70.125.000,00€. RSO1.2. Reaping the benefits of digitization for citizens, companies, research and public authorities. With interventions: supporting the supply and demand of ICT products and services with an emphasis on the exploitation of new technologies. Total financing 20.400.000,00€. RSO1.3. Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs highlighting the need to enhance competitiveness of SMEs along with reduction of environmental footprint and adoption of circular economy. With interventions: Supporting start-ups, Aid SMEs in introduction of innovation and new business plans, Strengthening collaborative schemes to introduce innovative features to products, Strengthening horizontal structures supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. Total financing 64.917.835,00€.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Regional Programme 2022-2025 implements the long-term Regional Plan of SO extending to 2050. Its objective is to activate the implementation of the objectives and activities stated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in its decision for regional development 2020-2023 inline with the themes of the Regional Plan. Decisions on Structural Funds in the region must be in line with the objectives and activities of the Programme. Programme also includes the Region's Smart Specialisation Strategy and directs funding of other national regional development funds.
One of the main priorities of the PI is 4.2. Strengthening business focus areas and its sub-objective 4.2.1 Sustainable food ecosystem and new bioeconomy solutions covering both the general development needs of the food ecosystem and those relating especially to sustainability aspects. Specific development topics to which sustainability perspective should be included are enhancing communication in the food ecosystem, supporting investments for green transition, benefiting from the innovation potential of ecological transition and enhancing the use of food sector expert services.
Programme is for 4 years, covering the term of municipal council. RCSO organises the preparation of the programme in cooperation with ie. central government authorities, municipalities and universities. Current Programme is valid until end of 2025 after which it will be reneved based on situational analysis and participatory process.
Partners working on this policy instrument

European Funds for Kuyavia and Pomerania 2021-2027 is a regional programme which is the basic instrument implementing the objectives of the regional development strategy, prepared on the basis of socio-economic analyses of the region and the resulting development challenges. The goal of EFKP is to make the region a competitive and innovative area in Europe and to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. The regional programme is co-funded by ERDF and ESF+. The managing authority of the programme is the Management Board of KPV.
The project activities relate to the Specific objectives: 1 Developing and strengthening research and innovation capacities and the use of advanced technologies and 3 Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SME and the creation of jobs in SMEs. Support will be given to projects that increase the research and development potential of the region and create a system to support the activities of companies in this field. In the scope of R&D projects aimed at increasing the innovativeness of the economy, the regional support will be directed at: conducting R&D activity by SMEs, implementing the results of R&D works and innovations by SMEs, developing the system of pro-innovative services for entrepreneurs provided by BEIs in the area of R&D, support and making available the existing R&D infrastructure in enterprises and entities of the system of higher education and science in order to deepen cooperation with business.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The objective of the policy plan is to create innovative and sustainable East Flanders. Stimulating growth in the food industry is one of the five major priorities, as the food industry is a major sector for growth, locally embedded and important for employment. We strive for sustainable growth and development in our province. We also link to the UN SDGs. Local food contains many advantages in terms of the short chain, authenticity and food safety. Moreover, many local products are part of our culinary heritage and have low food kilometres.
There are 4 concrete ways in which we aim to achieve our goals. 1) Professionalisation of the food industry with trainings and workshops on futureproof, sustainable management techniques (completed action: we organised a coaching trajectory), 2) promotion of local food products (action: ‘Food to never forget’, a communication campaign on local products, their gastronomic heritage, traditions, etc), 3) sale and distribution of these products (action: someone will promote the sale and distribution of local products) and 4) experience economy and tourism in the food industry (action: a campaign to promote local retailers, as to stimulate customers to buy/do/consume locally).
Some of these actions originate from and are funded by Interreg Europe or Leader, others are organised and co-financed by partners in the food industry, for other we find subsidies within the provincial government and we also rely on some of our own resources.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The policy instrument's vision is to transform Coimbra Region in a fully connected regional hub of sustainable food production, consumption, research and innovation and comprising the following priorities by the end of 2030:
1. Coimbra Circular Region
2. Coimbra Network of Local Producers - to create an effective, sustainable and long-lasting urban-rural connection, effectively activate and engage a network of producers around sustainable food approaches, generate notoriety for local food products and attract people and investment
3. Raising Awareness on Food Consumption
4. Framework Agreements for School Canteens with Sustainability Criteria
5. Food Corridors School Labs - to promote a set of educational actions with local schools
6. Regional Products Pop-up Shop.
The strategy and its priorities is a concise document defining actions to be implemented, covering the planned timings, implementation responsibilities, costs, funding sources, monitoring indicators, and risk assessment of the actions. Funds for actions are derived from various sources such as ERDF, EARDF and Interreg.
The Food Strategy is managed and coordinated by Intermunicipal Executive Secretariat, and supervised by the Intermunicipal Council that consists of the Mayors of 19 Municipalities in Coimbra. The Strategy has been constructed in a consultation with a specific group of local actors and is supervised every year with an Activity Report, presented to Intermunicipal Assembly.
Partners working on this policy instrument