Regional Stakeholders meeting #4 in Hajdú-Bihar County Gov.
On November 28, 2024, Debrecen hosted the 4th GOCORE Regional Stakeholders Group meeting, focusing on the key role of communication and local initiatives in building resilient communities.
On July 29, 2024, at 10:00 AM WEST, the Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region (CIM-RC) hosted the third Regional Stakeholders Group (RSG) meeting as part of the GOCORE project.
Regional Stakeholders meeting #3 in Hajdú-Bihar County Gov.
Showcasing a wide range of successful solutions from all around the GOCORE partner regions, the 3rd Regional Stakeholders event, brought together several entities to further define the steps to be made for a more resilient county community.
Regional Stakeholder Meeting #3 at Province of Fryslân
On the 21st of March 2024 the Province of Fryslân hosted the third Regional Stakeholder Group (RSG) Meeting for GOCORE. The meeting was attended by 10 members of the Stakeholder Group and led to a fruitful discussion.
On January 23rd, 2024, took place, in a hybrid format, the second Regional Stakeholders Group (RSG) meeting of the Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra.
Partnershiping with other projects: GOCORE meets Speak Up
The project manager of GOCORE, Richt Sterk, and intern Hawa Hussein presented the Gocore project to Speak Up, a newly approved Interreg North Sea Project.
Regional Stakeholder Meeting #2 Hajdú-Bihar County Governm.
At the expert meeting on 5 December 2023, participants analysed the range of problems in the county. They presented examples of good & bad practices in their fields of expertise to strengthen community resilience.
Hajdú-Bihar County Government Regional Stakeholders Group
Hajdú-Bihar County Government is working for more resilient communities by including regional stakeholders, experts from different areas, on discussing the project's thematic areas.