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Second GREENHEALTH Inter-regional Learning Conference


The Northern and Western Regional Assembly hosted a successful Inter-regional learning conference as part of the GREENHEALTH project on 22 and 23 May 2024. This event brought together partners and stakeholders dedicated to boosting biodiversity protection and people's health and well-being. This two-day event took place in Carrick-on-Shannon, county Leitrim. Participants had the chance to visit its natural sites and discuss with NRWA key stakeholders during the study visit.

Participants included both project partners and representatives of their stakeholders.

The focus of the day was the exchange of good practices among partner regions on the second thematic area of the project, which focuses on building partnerships and stakeholder coordination.

The sessions were facilitated by EUROPARC Federation, with the support of the organisational team from Ireland. We replaced the traditional delivery of PowerPoint presentations with Q&A in a marketplace. Each presenter(s) owned a space and introduced their good practices to multiple small groups to increase interaction. The main results of the discussion that we captured were used in the following session.

Next on the agenda was an interactive, participatory session exploring the benefits of building partnerships, especially between the parks and health sectors. We wanted to elaborate and interrogate the opportunities and challenges in this area for the GREENHEALTH partners. We adopted a World Café style method to structure the conversation and share knowledge in small groups. Discussing the topic of partnerships at several small tables, like those in a Café, enabled everyone to contribute and learn from the Marketplace event held prior.

You will be able to enjoy a photo-story with the nicest moments of the two-days event, in our Instagram Post. Check it out!

A detailed account of the conference days and the partners contributions is available in the official report in the our GREENHEALTH library webpage.

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