Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Integrated Territorial Strategy (IUS) of the Presov Self-Governing Region (PSGR) for 2021 – 2030 is currently being developed and will be implemented from the second half of 2022.
The main goal of IUS PSGR is to create conditions for the balanced territorial development of the region and to increase the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Test policy - Spain by Anna Castelli
IUS PSGR identifies 4 priorities:
• Priority 1 - Innovative and competitive regional economy
• Priority 2 - Living conditions of the region's inhabitants
• Priority 3 - Developed infrastructure and energy in a favourable environment
• Priority 4 - Strategic territorial management and territorially balanced development
GREENHEALTH project is especially related to the following Strategic Objectives (SOs) as well as specific objectives:
• Protection and development of natural heritage - specific objective 1.2.2
• Improve the health of the population, increase their security and build an inclusive civil society - SO 2.1
• Expand the range of opportunities for physical activity and healthy lifestyle - specific objective 2.1.2
• Improve the status of environmental components and eliminate threats arising from climate change - SO 3.2
• Strategic planning of the territory - SO 4.1
• Ensure partnership cooperation in the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of strategic documents - specific objective 4.1.2
Partners working on this policy instrument
Priority Action Frameworks (PAFs) are multi-annual strategic planning instruments that aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the measures needed to implement the Natura 2000 network and its green infrastructure at EU level. They specify the funding needs for these measures and link them to the corresponding EU funding programmes.
Although this document targets Natura 2000 spaces, this network overlaps territorially with other Protected Areas (PAs), so this instrument is applied in most of the PAs of the region.
The PAF focuses on identifying funding needs and priorities that are directly linked to the specific conservation measures established for Natura 2000 sites. This is to achieve the site-specific conservation objectives for the species & habitat types for which these sites were designated.
PAFs also present additional measures and their funding needs related to an enhanced Green Infrastructure.
Specifically, the project will address:
"Horizontal measures and administrative costs related to the Natura 2000 network", - Priority 1.
The latter includes measures related to:
• PAs management;
• communication with stakeholders;
• monitoring;
• knowledge gaps and
• public use.
Partners working on this policy instrument
European Funds for Podkarpackie 2021-2027 (FEP) is the new Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027. It sets out a strategy for the use of EU Funds in the Podkarpackie Region.
FEP is one of the tools for the implementation of the Development Strategy for the Podkarpackie Region 2030 (SRWP 2030).
It corresponds to the directions set out in the Partnership Agreement for the implementation of the Cohesion Policy for 2021-2027.
The thematic scope and logic of intervention of FEP are determined, among others, by the provisions of policy objectives in the following areas:
- competitive and digital economy,
- environmental and energy security,
- health security and social vulnerability,
- education,
- social capital,
- economy,
- labour market,
- tourism offer,
- mobility and
- communication,
These areas determine the way of implementing development policies in the Region, operationalizing the provisions of SRWP 2030.
One of the priority areas addressed by the FEP 2021-2027 is energy and environment.
Within this priority 6 specific objectives have been defined.
GREENHEALTH is in line with the implementation of objective 6:
"Enhancing the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including urban areas, and reducing all types of pollution".
Within the framework of this objective, it will be possible - inter alia - to carry out activities increasing the awareness of residents and tourists concerning the natural heritage and protection of valuable landscapes.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The "Regional Development Plan until 2027" is a strategic planning document, which defines the framework for the development of Dubrovnik-Neretva County during a seven-year period, in line with the duration of the European Union's financial perspective.
The Regional Development Plan is an umbrella strategic development document for Dubrovnik-Neretva County, following the guidelines and goals of the National Development Strategy until 2030.
It sets specific goals and establishes a framework for the drafting of measures, projects and activities in the operational development programmes for Dubrovnik-Neretva County.
The Plan is focused on the economic sector and highlights the key risks of the future development, presenting a strategic approach for their minimisation.
The reference strategic goal from the National Development Strategy is strategic objective VIII: “Environmental and Energy Transition for Climate Neutrality” which coincides with "Protection of Natural Resources and Combating Climate Change" as a public policy priority area.
GREENHEALTH will address priority 3 of the Regional Development Plan:
“Preserving the environment, improving connectivity and sustainable use of heritage”
It will target its specific objective 3.3.:
"Preservation, valorisation and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage".
Partners working on this policy instrument
The primary statutory purpose of the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) is to support the implementation of Project Ireland 2040 including the economic and climate policies of the Government by providing a long-term strategic planning and economic framework, to bring about sustainable change across the region.
The Strategy aims to be responsive to trends (i.e., urbanisation, digitisation and globalisation), while interpreting risks by connecting plans to the Sustainable Development Goals, the EU Growth Strategy and the National Strategic Outcomes (NFP).
The RSES contains Regional Policy Objectives (RP0S) addressing - inter alia - one Growth Tactic (People and Places) and Five Growth Ambitions (Vibrant, Natural, Connected, Inclusive and Infrastructure).
The GREENHEALTH project will specially target:
RPOs 5.2 - which relates to landscapes’ protection and conservation as well as coordination between local authorities and promotion of improved landscape management and destination,
RPO 5.3 - which considers the declaration of new protected parks/recreational sites,
RPO 5.5 - which aims to ensure efficient and sustainable use of natural resources and
RPO 6.6 - which focuses on developing awareness of the benefits of natural heritage, including health, wealth and well-being.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Kullaberg Nature Reserve Strategy and Action Plan under "European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas 2022-2026". This local level policy instrument aims to solve the problem of balancing nature conservation and economic development of the area through innovative sustainable tourism management and enhanced civil society engagement.
It consists of 19 actions and 41 activities, responding the needs observed after the evaluation of previous certification process 2017 - 2021 in order to improve the management and meet the EUROPARC requirements to promote and implement a sustainable tourism.
Six main objectives have been included in the Strategy and Action Plan:
- Conservancy of the natural environment
- Manage the environmental risks (visitors’ impact and climate change)
- Improve the management of resources and wastes
- Ensure high-quality visitor experience and the well-being
- Preserve Historical and Cultural Heritage of Kullaberg
- Strengthen the ECST work charter I and II