Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The action for the RP Puglia ERDF ESF+ 2021-2027 contained in Priority: 3. Sustainable Urban Mobility aims to improve the quality of Local Public Transport services and reduce climate-changing emissions by improving air quality. Through the Specific Objective 2.8. The Puglia Region aims to “Promote sustainable multimodal urban mobility as part of the transition to a zero net carbon economy”. It aims to modernize the vehicle fleet and develop cycling and walking paths. Intermodal exchange hubs will be enhanced through digitization and the dissemination of mobility information services and MaaS. The promotion and incentivization of regular Public Transport will be stimulated by introducing an integrated ticket, enabling users to plan itineraries easily. More specifically, action 3.2 will focus on infrastructure and technology interventions for traffic management and fare integration, promoting MaaS services to align transportation with demand. It will provide flexible and on-demand access to public transportation, offering various travel alternatives prioritizing environmental sustainability. Users will be able to book all public transport modes through a single platform, with payment options of subscription or one-time payment. An integrated electronic ticketing system will be activated, maximizing transportation choices based on selected routes and individual needs.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The SUMP 2030 is a strategic instrument aimed at meeting the need for mobility of people and goods while contributing to the achievement of European climate change objectives. Its purpose is to improve different modes of transport, through an integrated approach, based on principles of cooperation, coordination, consultation. It also targets five strategic objectives:Accessibility;Safety;Environment;Economic efficiency; Urban quality. It aims to increase the quality of life,, develop a sustainable tourism, increase accessibility for all categories of users, make efficient use of resources, increase the health of the inhabitants. The area subject of the SUMP covers the City of Baia Mare and its entire Metropolitan Area. The strategic objectives are to be achieved through the following measures: 1. Creating an attractive and accessible public transport system and increasing the modal share of public transport;2. Integration of transport systems, public transport and parking in the general concept of MaaS;3. Ensuring the connectivity of public interest objectives through the infrastructure intended for non-motorized transport;4. Increasing the modal share of non-motorized transport;5. Making traffic more fluent and reducing the average journey time;6. Ensuring necessary parking lots for residences and tourists;7. Reduction of pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases;8. Increasing the efficiency of environmental resources used by promoting electric transport.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The policy instrument identified is the Geel's SUMP. The mobility plan was approved by the city council in December 2022. The regional mobility plan will be open for public consultation starting from May 31st and will be finally approved in the autumn. Hoppinpoints are an important building block within it. Ensuring accessibility by facilitating a sustainable modal shift to realize the development of Hoppinpoints in Geel, specifically towards the new Innovation Campus with an additional 2000 job opportunities. We want to inform and educate civilians about sustainable forms of transportation and persuade people to use these forms of transportation. This policy instrument fits into the adopted policy framework of the municipal Mobility Plan as well as the Transport Region Plan.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Liepaja city and Dienvidkurzeme municipality development programme 2022-2027 (DP 22-27) is a local-level mid-term development planning document. It consists of strategic guidelines and annexes, for example action and investment plan and it serves as a basis for the development of annual work plans, budgeting and external funding. The action and investment plan is the main tool for the implementation of the DP 22-27.
In the action and investment plan municipal institutions are set as responsible authorities in order to ensure the implementation of the development program.
Five mid-term priorities are set in the DP 22-27:
● Green, smart and accessible Liepaja city and Dienvidkurzeme municipality;
● Development of the human resources;
● A governance that is open to everyone, strengthening bonds between the municipality and stakeholders;
● Competitive and diverse environment for entrepreneurs;
● High-quality and creative environment for the growth of Liepaja city and Dienvidkurzeme county.
Eight action directions are set in the DP 22-27:
1. Public space and nature;
2. Healthy society;
3. Social security, services and support;
4. Governance and services;
5. Traffic infrastructure and mobility;
6. Culture, tourism and sports;
7. High quality, accessible and inclusive education;
8. Business environment.
33 tasks for the implementation of each action direction are set and approximately 500 investment projects are under each of the tasks.
Partners working on this policy instrument

VVOH is the Managing Authority of the selected PI, so the Office can act as a PI holder in the project implementation.
Eligible actions in the TOP_Plusz- 1.2.1-21, Liveable settlements (TOP_Plusz-1.2.1) are: Water management aimed at the development of settlements; development of green and blue infrastructure; economic or community-purposed revitalization of municipal-owned buildings; bicycle traffic infrastructure; cultural, sports and other public space development investments; developments related to traffic safety, traffic calming and community transport; landfill reclamation; remediation of brownfield areas.
Within action “D – Sustainable transport-development” the focus is on changing the behaviour and habits of city dwellers regarding sustainable forms of mobility. The implementation of these attitude-shaping actions and activities are primarily aimed at the local population and contains attitude-shaping campaigns or activities promoting cycling and/or traffic safety.
The location of the call implementation is the settlements of Vas County with least developed areas according to the relevant area-specific annex of PI. Beneficiaries are the settlements of Vas County to be determined exactly in the Call.
Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme Plus is a national-level PI, but grants will be allocated via NUTSIII level based on the Integrated Territorial Program of Vas County (ITP) prepared and implemented by Vas County Government Office.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Development Concept of Northern Saxony addresses four fields of action: economy & innovation; (further) education; liveable district; infrastructure & mobility. The aim of this PI is strategic and coordinated district development, considering modern challenges like demographic change and thus a decline of the employment rate, the transformation to a knowledge economy, increasing digitalisation, the growing importance of new mobility concepts, and upheavals in energy and climate. In MaaSolutions, Action Field IV, infrastructure & mobility will be addressed which is subdivided into targets on improving and expanding public transport on roads & railways, bicycle traffic, and innovative autonomous transport.
Mobility is currently facing major changes, brought to light by various parallel developments. Automobile companies are developing new technologies, which increases the use of IT in vehicles. At the same time, the acceptance of alternative mobility concepts like car sharing is growing among the population. In the course of this, digital connectivity of different modes of transport and their infrastructures are advancing. The provision of an extensive range of public transport means and carriers as well as efficient road connections is of particular importance in Northern Saxony. In addition, modern and alternative transport services should be considered and offered in the future, especially in urban areas.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic vision focusses on a outreached goal: “In 2040 holiday-island Schouwen-Duiveland has an outstanding water economy which connects in a sustainable way living, working, caring and enjoying.” This goal is elaborated into concrete goals such as a sustainable local economy, vibrant historical centers, accessible care for inhabitants, participation of every inhabitant in local society, innovative learning and education to attract and retain young people, sustainable leisure and recreation, preservation of nature areas and surrounding water bodies, climate adaptation, and adaptation to demographic change. In this perspective mobility and access to aminities are essential conditions. The main issue is to improve the policy on public transport, which is related to MaaS and the Regional Mobility Strategy of the province of Zeeland. Due to the importance of mobility, “Tij van de Toekomst” will be partly revisited in two connected ways. On one hand, elaborating and introducing smarter ways to use available means of transport by using them for other purposes (such as sharing), and on the other hand, providing reliable, and real-time information for travelers to arrange their journeys in the manner that suits them best. These activities will lead to a reduction in the use of private cars, fewer (second) car owners, an increase in carbon-free public transport, and the use of shared means of carbon-free (and healthy) transport by inhabitants, visitors, and tourists.
Partners working on this policy instrument