Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The ESF is one of the five European Structural and Investment Funds that the EU makes available to the MMSS to achieve economic and social cohesion, promoting employment and the development of people.
The ESF programming for Spain consists of:
o OP for Employment, Training and Education.
o OP for Social Inclusion and Social Economy.
o OP for Youth Employment linked to the development of the "Youth Employment Initiative".
The three OP respond to the need to guarantee a uniform and homogeneous action in the state territory, without prejudice to the obligatory adaptation to the peculiarities of the Autonomous Communities, with the aim of allowing a better territorial balance, as well as social cohesion, trying to guarantee the objectives of the thematic approach, as well as the complementarity with the regional operational programmes of each region.
Navarre is currently working on the preparation of the operational programmes for the period 2021-2027. Projects related to the following investment priorities have been included in the draft document: Access to Employment, Youth Employment, Education and Training, Social Inclusion, Social Innovation and Child Guarantee. The Department of Social Rights has promoted a change in the model of its social services. Among the added values of the new model is the universality of quality, person-centered, community-based social care. The OP is a suitable tool for promoting projects that will serve to advance this new model of care.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Medium-term plan for the development of social services in the Vysočina Region sets out the objectives and priorities for supporting the operation and investment development of social services. It includes a view of the range and financing of social services and transparent information for all actors in the field of social services. The medium-term plan itself contains, in addition to the characteristics of the region, a SWOT analysis of the region. An important part of the plan is the "Program Part", which is based on the outputs of working groups and outputs from municipalities, and contains the Strategic Vision and Objectives and measures, which are divided into two parts - the first working groups. The second part is the objectives and measures which are characteristic of a specific target group.
The priorities set out in the medium-term plan, which focuses on people and the community, skills, and tools for professionals, are in particular:
• Support for the training of employees in social services required by law
• Support to increase the ability of employees to meet the specific needs of users
• Management training support
• Support for volunteering as part of social services
Other priorities focus on supporting change in the community, eg in socially excluded localities. The development of a system of informing citizens about the possibilities of solving their situation is also one of the priorities.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Päijät-Häme's Inclusion Program presents priorities and goals for the planning and implementation of inclusive work in the well-being services county's area, as well as the evaluation of its success. The Inclusion Program contributes to the well-being services county's strategic goal of a healthy resident. Inclusion work builds well-being through experiences of inclusion and community. Opportunities are created for residents to actively participate in the decision-making, activities, and development of the well-being services county.
The object is to promote residents, clients, municipalities, NGOs etc. opportunities to participate in and influence the activities and decision-making as well as in developing services.
1. Residents get information and can influence the activities of the well-being services county: i.e. by ensuring that residents have easy access to information about both decision-making and service production;
2.Customers' right to self-determination, security, and quality of services are strengthened: i.e. by ensuring the realization of the customers' right to self-determination in their own services and paying special attention to the inclusion of customers in a vulnerable position;
3. The involvement of different parties strengthens the systematic development of services: i.e. by collecting customer experience at different stages, analyze and use the information systematically and developing services together with all stakeholders
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Policy Plan has 4 strategic objectives:
- Strategic objective 1: To provide a service to the local governments in the field of living, working, and life (space, people, and governance)
- Strategic objective 2: Initiating, coordinating, and realizing a sustainable living environment
- Strategic objective 3: Initiating, coordinating, and realizing a sustainable spatial policy
- Strategic objective 4: Achieving a sustainable social policy, including a focus on living, working, and life.
For objective 4, the mayors of the region have decided within IGEMO that investments must be made in the expansion of the work domains of society and welfare. These efforts are focused on the domains of social services, (mental) health and care, welfare and diversity. IGEMO hosts the ‘welzijnskoepel’ (Dutch), a consultative forum bringing together politically mandated representatives with officials responsible for welfare, care and social affairs. Taking into account the agreements and commitments initially made amongst local authorities, IGEMO therefore commits to making the necessary efforts to further develop the ‘welzijnskoepel’ into a sustainable consultation and decision-making body for local authorities in the region. The instrument will be revised after the elections of 2024, coming into a new Policy Plan that will cover 2025-2030 timeframe.