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Finland,SMEs and decision makers discuss product development

By Project NOTRE

The third stakeholders' meeting at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences took place on August 22nd, 2024.

Participants included Mark van Gils, professor of digital healthcare at Tampere University; Sanna Inkeri, international coordinator at the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia; Jussi Rasku, Postdoctoral Research Fellow and CEO of Maltas Technology; Jussi Eväsoja, CEO of Mediclaudo; Olli Göös, sales director at Suvanto Care; Tanja Hautala, Research and Development Manager at SeAMK; Kirsi Paavola, project manager at SeAMK; Arttu Mustajärvi, Expert Engineer at SeAMK; and Sami Perälä, Project Manager at SeAMK for the NOTRE project, who also hosted the event.

Maltas Technologies' Hand Disinfection Efficiency Measurement

Jussi Rasku, CEO of Maltas Technology, discussed their product development aimed at improving hand disinfection compliance in hospital operating rooms. Manual monitoring has shown that proper hand hygiene, which should take at least three minutes, is often not achieved due to social pressure, the challenge of measuring time, and the repetitive nature of the task. Inadequate hand disinfection can lead to costly infections, human suffering, and preventable deaths.

Maltas Technology has developed a device and application that measures hand disinfection time, which, in pilot studies, increased the correct disinfection time by 18 percentage points. The company tested three methods: simply measuring time, providing guidance during the process, and adding an entertainment element (a Blackjack game). The best results were achieved when instructions were combined with time measurement.

The company is currently conducting more trials, gathering data, and preparing to market and sell the product. This technology not only improves patient safety but also has potential applications in senior care facilities, aligning with the NOTRE project's goals.

Regional Strategy and Program Development

Sanna Inkeri, Head of International Affairs at the Council of South Ostrobothnia, updated attendees on the regional strategy revision. The new regional program, incorporating insights from the NOTRE project on good aging and digitalization, is set to be approved by the regional council by the end of 2025.

Stakeholder Cooperation in Italy

Kirsi Paavola shared insights on stakeholder cooperation in Italy’s CNA Emilia-Romagna region, a partner in the NOTRE project. The region has well-organized stakeholder meetings involving diverse participants with clear action plans to achieve project goals and enhance network activities.

Additional Updates

Mark van Gils provided updates on the university consortium in Seinäjoki and his work promoting healthcare digitalization. His data analysis group supports decision-making in healthcare and is involved in developing a roadmap for the national digital health network in Finland.

Jussi Eväsoja, CEO of Mediclaudo, announced the expansion of their product line to include devices for dispensing medical supplies and loaning assistive devices.

Olli Göös, sales director at Suvanto Care, discussed the company’s efforts to allow seniors to live safely at home longer. The company is expanding its marketing and aims to enter international markets soon.

The event also featured results from the NOTRE project's 3-pillar analysis. Sami Perälä presented findings from interviews with political decision-makers, Kirsi Paavola discussed end-users' skills and needs, and Arttu Mustajärvi highlighted trends identified by SMEs.

Sami Perälä also briefly presented the Policy event in Burgos, which addressed challenges for young and women entrepreneurs and digitalization. He also shared a potential best practice from the NOTRE project: integrating eHealth into the training of polyclinic nursing staff.