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Knowledge exchange in the North West Romania !

By Project NOTRE

The NOTRE project team met on June 19, 2024, to assess project progress, dive into regional analysis, and explore the implementation of best practices. Participants from diverse backgrounds, including academia, healthcare, and public administration, gathered to share insights and contribute to the project's advancement.

Ioana Pavel, project manager from the North West RDA, provided a comprehensive overview of the NOTRE project's current status. Highlights of the project's achievements were presented, along with an analysis of challenges encountered thus far. This overview of the project set the stage for subsequent discussions.

Raluca Suciu, technical expert, presented the findings from the regional analysis, shedding light on the specific needs and opportunities within the target area. The presentation included an overview of the questionnaire results, providing valuable data for tailoring project interventions.

To enrich the knowledge base, Alina Călin from UBB Cluj-Napoca and Ion Petrovai from the INIT Association/EIT Health shared insights into successful practices implemented in Spain. This comparative analysis offered valuable inspiration for potential adaptations to the Romanian context.

At the end of the meeting, Claudia Frățilă, technical expert from ADR Nord-Vest, took the floor to present one existing good practice within the region related to the Notre project.

Discussion and Next Steps

Participants engaged in a lively discussion centered around identifying and replicating regional best practices. The group explored opportunities to leverage existing strengths and address identified gaps.

Key decisions were made regarding the preparation for the upcoming consortium meeting in Cluj-Napoca. Action points were assigned to ensure coordination and progress towards project objectives into the North West region of Romania.

In conclusion, the meeting served as a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration among the project stakeholders. By sharing insights and identifying regional strengths, participants contributed to the advancement of the NOTRE project and its potential impact on the community. The collaborative spirit demonstrated during the meeting is promising for the project's success.