Project summary
The analysis of pandemic trends during the COVID-19 emergency period, the rich dissemination of information and the intelligence strategic support provided to allies by US and EU for the present Ukrainian war, raised the attention by citizens, researchers, entrepreneurs and governants on the power of data and the image several times used: "the new fuel is data" is becoming more and more clear to everybody.
On the other side, EU has been working on the availability and usability of open data since one decade, starting from the e-government policies, through the implementation of dedicated EU Data spaces, till the last directive for processing of data to support artificial intelligence and robotics under the so-call digital revolution. All these aspects are encouraging regional and local authorities to dedicate policies and funds to trigger the availability of data in good quantity and quality, the exploitation of data to enhance the quality of public services addressed to citizens and to make "data" a pillar for the digital economy and the twin transition.
OD4GROWTH project aims at working on this track: triggering the quality and quantity of data from one side, enhaning well-being and citizens quality of life with better public services, new applications and new products.
The partnership is composed by institutions more esperienced (Spain, Italy, Poland, France, Lithuania) on this topic and others (Greece, Hungary, Latvia) that need to be supported to increase availability and usability of Open Data.On the other side, more advanced countries on data availability need to extend the field of their application, including the advanced technologies and the digitalisation of production processes.
OD4GROWTH would like to contribute to the EU growth, improving and revising policies to enhance the Data economy in EU and contribute to a smarter Europe, an open society and a shared knowledge area. Data is the new fuel that can help EU to be much more open, competitive and equal.