Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Officially launched on 16 November 2021, the data policy for the Grand Est region will take the form of a steering tool called "Datagrandest". Its implementation is in line with the national regulations "For a Digital Republic", the Prime Minister's circular of 27 April 2021 on public data policy and the Bothorel report, the RGPD, the European INSPIRE Directive and the NOTRe law.
The strategic objectives of this approach are to make public action more innovative and more effective by opening up and re-using data, and to make it easier to access and appropriate in the interests of coherent regional development.
On the Data Grand Est platform, you can find and view a wide range of data produced by public authorities in the Grand Est region, including land use, local authority budgets, subsidies and environmental data. The aim is to make all the data available and to facilitate access to information for public authorities, local players and citizens.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Integration Programme (2021-2024; in Finnish: Kotoutumisen edistämisen suunnitelma) is the city’s renewed service provision plan for immigrants. The programme considers up to date research and statistics, expert consultations and the experiences of immigrants. The city gathered 30 personal narratives from immigrants and comments from the NGO -sector. Four distinct entities were identified, which are the basis for the current programme’s actions and objectives:
- Challenges and lack of opportunities to study and learn the Finnish language
- Immigrants‘ interface into working life
- Sense of community and people relations
- Increasing attractiveness and retaining habitants
The objectives for the years 2021-2024 include diverse opportunities for Finnish language learning, increasing opportunities to engage in the labour market, increase the attractiveness and retaining ability of the City of Jyväskylä and advance community-spirit and good people relations locally.
Specific priority or measure addressed: 9This project would emphasise learning from best practices and experiences of project partners with emphasis on language competence. A key challenge in recent years has been learning sufficient Finnish language competences to match requirements of local job opportunities. The actions consist of critically assessing job market requirements, peer- and on-the-job learning opportunities and enabling local language training for students alongside their degree studies.
The policy is included in the RP ERDF 2021-27 and aims at supporting the establishment and organization of digital labs in the region, continuing a previous experience carried out during the past programme 2014-2020 and focusing on the establishment of the Digital Labs and the local Digital Gyms focusing on the quantity and quality of data and the production of OD-based applications, infographics, etc.
The Policy aims at enhancing the competence of local institutions on the availability, processing and exploiting of OD, with a focus on the link with Artificial intelligence. The budget allocated to the open call for proposals (planned in 2025) is about 10 Meuro. OD4GROWTH will contribute to improve the content of the policy, enhancing the link between OD and AI.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The policy instrument, belongs to the 1st pillar ‘Improving the competitiveness of the local economy’ of Region’s OP “Operational Programme 2014-2020” approx.70 m. € aiming to boost economic development and create job opportunities in East Macedonia & Thrace and contributing to achieving Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in line with RIS2. RIS3 is a Strategic approach for economic development based on supporting R&I.
There are 9 Intervention Axis(IA) including entrepreneurship and support actions, Transformation of Agro-food sector and Supporting the Growth of emerging sectors (tourism, marble, electronic equipment, materials, energy).
The RDF participation in the project aims to enrich and strengthen our knowledge and strategy in IA1. “Institutional capacity of the Innovation Regional System” and IA3. “Dissemination of knowledge and innovations & networking”
IA1/ Logic: More effective governance system for upgrading the institutional capacity of the 3Helix actors and the development of win-win exchange, collaboration and communication channels between them.
IA3/ Logic: Dissemination of knowledge exchange, innovations, links & networking among the 3helix actors in order the local production system search for special knowledge from local academic and research institutions & Academic institutions have clear policies for the transfer of innovation and provide incentives for their staff in this direction.
Partners working on this policy instrument

It is a local medium-term (up to 7 years) development planning document, which is closely related to Liepaja city long-term planning documents - Liepaja city sustainable development strategy until 2035 and Liepaja city spatial plan and the newly formed municipalities of South Kurzeme (Aizpute, Durbe, Grobina, Nica, Pavilosta, Priekule, Rucava, Vainode counties) planning documents.
The development planning documents of Liepāja State City and South Kurzeme Region for 2022–2027 are being finalized ensuring high-quality development planning of Liepāja city and the newly established South Kurzeme region, to identify the territory, development and cooperation project between Liepāja and the newly established South Kurzeme region, linking them with the Latvian National Development Plan 2021–2027. as well as to prepare projects for the grants from European Union funds.
This policy document consists of analysis of the current situation, action and investment plan (variable section) and environmental impact assessment.
Integrated approach allows us to bind together various policy areas and initiatives and at the same time to find the necessary balance among economic, social, urban, environmental development.
One of the actions is defined to Facilitate the availability of open data for data centralization and processing.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Szombathely City aims to elevate the standard of living by driving industrial transformation focused on a green, digital, and resilient economy. The city prioritizes education, R&D, and the strategic use of Open Data to address urban and entrepreneurial challenges. By fostering higher value-added production, Szombathely is integrating local and international actors to develop innovative public and private services, particularly in health, mobility, and the environment. The city's strategy seeks to enhance economic resilience and mitigate the impacts of automation and digitalization on employment.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Regional Innovation Strategy for Mazovia until 2030 (RIS3) is an official document, adopted on 16/03/2021, which complements the Development Strategy for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship until 2030 in the scope of increasing the competitiveness and innovation of the region. It defines a strategic framework for the regional innovation ecosystem aimed at creating an environment conducive to increasing the innovative activity of enterprises.
The aim of RIS3: Mazowieckie voivodship as a macroregion of a seized opportunity - to become one of the innovation leaders in Central and Eastern Europe by 2030.
RIS3 identifies two main elements of the policy:
A. Strategic directions of innovation development (4 main goals):
1. Increasing innovative activity (6 sub-goals);
2. Strong and effective value chains connecting companies (5 sub-goals);
3. Effective ecosystem of creating and supporting innovation (9 sub-goals);
4. Increase of internationalization of the Mazovian innovation ecosystem (4 sub-goals).
B. Smart specialization - a concept of economic transformation based on growth poles:
1. Safe food;
2. Intelligent systems in industry and infrastructure;
3. Modern business ecosystem;
4. High quality of life.
The document defines the implementation tools that support process of stimulating the innovative activity of regional institutions and companies, and includes:
1. Implementation Programs (2-3 years)
2. Specifying the areas of smart specialization
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Smart Specialization Strategy for the Sustainability of Andalusia 2021-2027 (S4 Andalucía Strategy) will continue the current RIS3 Andalucía.
The purpose of the Smart Specialization Strategy for the Sustainability of Andalusia 2021-2027, S4 Andalucía, will be to become the basic instrument for planning, execution, development and evaluation of public actions that are developed in the field of Research, Innovation and Industrial Transition, with a transversal perspective of fight against Climate Change, in the European Cohesion Framework 2021-2027, in coordination, where appropriate, with the specific strategies relating to these matters and in response to the requirements required by the Enabling Condition of Objective 1 of the Andalusia Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund, following the guidelines of the European Commission and the ERDF Management Authority of the Kingdom of Spain, and designating the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities as the competent regional department, in charge of the smart specialization strategy that is required in the second criterion of the Enabling Condition.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Approved by Šilutė District Municipal Council, 2014 January 30, decision no. T-1041.
The aim of this policy is achieve the goals set in the legislation with the least possible time and financial costs.
Prepare or modify (if necessary) electronic application forms for all administrative services and ensure their public availability.
Review the technical system capability of accepting documents with a secure electronic signature online. Open data must be provided in computer-readable formats, and computer processing must be possible.
Open data must be accessible to the widest possible range of users using the data for a wide variety of purposes. The data must be easy to use and easily accessible online. Charging for open data should not exceed marginal costs. The use of open data must not be restricted, the data can be used and reused for commercial and non-commercial purposes without any restrictions.
Repeal, reduce or improve the existing legal regulation on reducing the administrative burden by preparing appropriate draft legal acts, providing for simplification of the process, exchange of available information and data between institutions, structural units of the Municipal Administration, refusal to submit redundant documents, etc
Partners working on this policy instrument