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1st Stakeholder of Partner 9 Stakeholders

By Project OD4GROWTH

On Thursday, July 20, 2023, the first informative meeting for the cross-regional project titled "OD4GROWTH" was successfully held. The project aims to enhance the availability and processing of open data to support local development and urban transformation (OD4GROWTH). The meeting took place via teleconference, and representatives from various quadruple-helix stakeholders participated, including chambers of commerce from the region, structures supporting startups, Democritus University of Thrace, the Regional Council for Research and Innovation, as well as public authorities.

Significantly, representatives from the Department of Open Data of the Ministry of Digital Policy presented a concise overview of the national policy on open data. Additionally, representatives from the Open Technologies Organization (ΕΕΛΛΑΑΚ) were present, and the Director of the organization delivered a presentation on open data-related matters.

During the meeting, the OD4GROWTH project was introduced, and the planned actions were analyzed. The vital contributions of the involved stakeholders and the importance of their active participation throughout the project implementation were emphasized. All participants committed to collaborating to maximize the project's outcomes and contribute their expertise.

Furthermore, the attendees were presented with the Initial Regional Survey and SWOT analysis, and feedback on these documents was requested until mid-August to be shared with the responsible partner of the action.

The OD4GROWTH project is being developed in collaboration with experienced partners in the field of open data, as well as others who require support to enhance the availability and utility of open data.