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First Stakeholders meeting in France

By Project OD4GROWTH

We had our first stakeholders meeting physically and virtually (online) to enable the participation of a maximum of stakeholders in Strasbourg City. Grand Est region is huge (57,441 km2) and we had difficulties to attract someone distant from 200 / 300 km or more. So we proposed the possibility to did it also online via Microsoft teams. This meeting hold from 8.30 to 11am.
Participants (18):

  • The meeting was moderated by Grand E-Nov team: Olivier Horent, Stéphanie Toussaint, Benjamin Lallemand and Jean Jacques Bernardini.
  • Stakeholders already engaged in the project.
  • New potential stakeholders interested by the project.

Related to the content:
The stakeholders introduced themselves and their institutions. They used the opportunity to explain the importance of open data for their business and services and to depict the principal issues they are facing.
We used this overview of Open Data issues (20 minutes), to identify territories with existing use cases / theorical good practices based on open data.
This enabled us to present OD4Growth project, its ambitions, and its methodology (EU Good practices templates, need for a brief description and highlights of each use case, survey, thematic crossing groups, etc.).
We discussed the actions to be taken and those already underway, in particular the drafting of a survey. There were a number of questions and debates about the targets and questions.

The participants agreed to:

  • Review and refine the questionnaire designed for auditing stakeholders involved in open data initiatives.
  • Suggest additional territories and use cases
  • Discuss key evaluation criteria for selecting the most promising use cases from the presented territories.
  • We also discussed about:
  • Thematic groups to identity interested stakeholders (Data Grand Est will be part of it).
  • Defining the frequency and format of meetings to review progress on the selected use cases.
  • Determining the preferred communication channels and establish a communication plan to engage a dynamic.

Others remarks:

  • Use cases: Break the ice between needs and uses. Awareness-raising action based on practical examples. Show use cases. Public data vs. private data. Make people aware that we have a wealth of data and that we owe it to the public.
  • Raising awareness: Before raising awareness among elected representatives, we need to raise awareness among employees. Communication strategy based on regional disparities. Possibility of mobilising elected representatives on key issues. Will we accept that citizens are unaware of the issues surrounding data?
  • Training: Training (CNFPT), "Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale" (National Centre for Territorial Public Service): encourage participation in the CNFPT e-community and raise training needs. Ecolab creation of a data day to raise awareness among staff. The Ecolab of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion is developing a tool for users of environmental data. Its aim is to make it easier to use the data to monitor the ministry's policies.
  • Support : We need to stop presenting data as a technical debate. Putting it to the test: supporting local and regional initiatives. There is no miracle recipe, but there are methods, and the tools need to be left to their own devices. Don't put the sig at the front, but leave it where it belongs. And use frescoes. The implementation of GIS, the question of the interest of the data. It's a question of placing the sig.Hanging Elected representatives need to get in touch with geographic information.


  • The participants seemed satisfied with this first meeting and were keen to take part in the project. The stakeholders engaged is not already fixed. We are working on it to have a good core group really interested.
  • Several people from the same organisation will be involved depending on the tasks and actions to be carried out.