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Launch event and the 1st stakeholders’ meeting

By Project OD4GROWTH

Representatives from various organizations and institutions attended the stakeholders' meeting with the common goal of making Liepaja the most positive city in Latvia. The meeting revolved around leveraging data and technology to achieve this objective.

Key stakeholders and their ideas included:

  • University of Liepāja: Focused on using data analytics to improve educational experiences and outcomes for students.
  • Riga Technical University: Emphasized collaborating with other institutions and the city authorities to create a comprehensive dataset for data-driven initiatives. The meeting particularly highlighted the idea of detecting happy and sad people on the map of Liepaja using data analytics to gauge and improve the well-being of the city's residents.
  • Liepāja city municipal authority "Liepāja city building board": Participated in discussions regarding data openness and accessibility for urban planning and development.
  • Municipal authority of the city of Liepāja "Community administration": Discussed the importance of sharing data to promote community well-being and engagement.
  • Liepāja City Municipal Authority "Liepāja City Education Board": Engaged in conversations about data-driven improvements in the city's education sector.
  • "Liepāja Public Transport" Agency: Focused on using data for enhancing public transportation services within the city.
  • SIA "Liepāja Region Tourism Information Office": Shared insights on utilizing data to attract tourists and improve tourism experiences in the region.
  • Liepaja technology cluster: Discussed its role in fostering technological innovation through datadriven approaches.
  • Digital Innovation Park: Explored the potential of data in driving innovation and fostering a thriving
  • digital ecosystem.

Overall, the meeting demonstrated a collaborative effort among diverse stakeholders to leverage
data and technology for positive city development and growth in Liepaja.