Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The proposed policy instrument is an ongoing strategic document with a validity of five years. Currently, preparations are underway for an update covering the years 2026-2030. Its objective is to support regional heritage, especially in cases where other support is insufficient or not available. The document presents a key official regional policy instrument in the field of heritage
The 3 areas of competence are:
1. Active participation in the creation of legal norms in the field of monument preservation, active participation in negotiations (Association of Regions of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Culture) and commenting on legal norms. Finding solutions to problem areas of monument care and commenting on other related legal regulations, eg the Administrative Procedure Code, the law in the field of construction law, etc.
2. Quality and effective performance of state administration, increasing professional competence
3. Preservation and restoration of the monument fund in the South Bohemian region
4. Presentation and promotion of cultural heritage
Based on previous iterations, expertise and analyses, this instrument is regularly updated (four-year period) and the areas of interventions evaluated. The objective of the policy instrument stays the same – to provide cultural heritage management bodies with a financial tool to support preservation, development and further use of cultural heritage in the region but the strategic lines are updated according to the regional needs
Partners working on this policy instrument

The ROP European Funds for Kuyavia and Pomerania 2021-2027 gives answer to the main weaknesses that affect the economic and social development of the region.
The subject of the project REliHE refers to CP5 of the program: Europe closer to citizens. Within this objective, in accordance with the diagnosed needs, it is planned to support the role of culture and the development of endogenous potentials of the region.
Within the framework of CP5 support for five areas of activities is foreseen, four of them are related to heritage and tourism:
• cultural and natural heritage (conservation of movable monuments, restoration and conservation works on historic buildings, reconstruction, construction, extension of natural heritage objects),
• support for cultural institutions (construction, development and functioning of cultural institutions, projects concerning the development of readership, organization of cultural, artistic and interdisciplinary events),
• support for the development of tourism (tourism and recreation infrastructure recreation infrastructure, creation of cultural parks, tourist routes and trails (walking, cycling, waterways), creation and marketing of local tourist brands and products),
• support for the development of health resorts.
In the instrument is foreseen to support cultural institutions in terms of construction, extension as well as development and operation. But at the moment there are no specific plans for religious heritage.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Nieuwe Omgevingsvisie Overijssel (NOO) - spatial planning, spatial quality and identity (NOO) is the framework policy for RAAK! that sets out spatial developments and investments to take place between now and 2030, this strategy is continuous and revised periodically every four years. The Spatial Vision makes policy decisions in many areas linked to the development of the province. It's implementation model is based on the cooperation among the national and local goverment, companies and various civil society organizations for formulate key policy questions and possible future perspectives that latter are outlined as key policy directions and themes.
The goal of the cultural policy of the program RAAK, regarding heritage is preserving cultural heritage with added value for the future by:
Investing and working together in making heritage more environmentally sustainable
Investing and working together regarding restoration training
Support to municipalities in carrying out their statutory duties in the area of monument conservation.
One of the focus of the cultural policy is the future of religious heritage with the aim to connect the owners with people and organizations for it's sustainable reuse.
The strategy was revised in 2023 including a special focus on Religious Heritage and will be implemented during in the period 2024-2028
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Zemgale Planning Region Development Program for 2021–2027 determines the medium-term strategic settings for the implementation of the long-term strategic settings - vision, strategic goal, long-term development priorities. The development program defines 9 medium-term development priorities, sets directions for action to achieve the development priorities and results to be achieved.
There are 3 main priorities of the present program where REliHE and has wide influence:
P3: "Competitiveness and growth of enterprises"; with measures for promote the creation and development of cultural tourism products and promote resources not used in tourism, including the promotion of the adaptation of heritage.
P7: "Cultural environment and identity", focused on preservation and sustainable use of cultural heritage by the creation of a qualitative living environment and strengthening of belonging, implement measures to raise public awareness of cultural heritage its sustainable use, its role in the economic development of the region, increase cooperation and participation of stakeholders, piloting cooperation mechanisms, transfer of good practices and implement measures that improve and increase the capacity of industry professionals.
P8: "Civil society and active communities" building a cohesive and civic society with the aim to strengthen the sense of belonging to Zemgale region, its region, its community, involving different population groups in the activities of various events.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The funding programme is in force since January 2020 and has the following objective: Preservation of at-risk monasteries, castles, palaces and industrial monuments in the District of Upper Palatinate, which are part of the outstanding and identity-forming cultural heritage of the Upper Palatinate District.
The funding programme supports construction measures in monasteries, castles, palaces and industrial monuments. For each construction measure, the applicant can receive up to 100,000 Euros from the UPD, whereby the same applicant may apply for several funding programs. However, only construction measures that serve the restoration as well as the preservation of the substance in the sense of monument conservation are financed by the Bezirk Oberpfalz.
The subsidy is based on the total eligible costs of the restoration of the monument.
- Regular funding rate: 5%.
- Funding rate for special cases: up to 10%.
- Maximum grant: 100,000.00
The demand for the funding programme is high, because the grants from the UPD help to strengthen the applicant's own funds. That is, the grants from the UPD boost the own resources of the municipalities and other applicants and have a leverage effect.
The aim by participating in REliHE is to further develop our funding programme by promoting measures for revitalizing monasteries and supporting practical follow-up and (partial) new uses for vacant monasteries in the District of Upper Palatinate.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Partners working on this policy instrument