Project summary
WE BELIEVE IN A FUTURE IN WHICH AS MANY RURAL AREAS AS POSSIBLE WILL ADOPT RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, receiving support for the adoption of such energy systems and reaching their energy independence.
So now that our vision is clear the strategy is easy!
SireNERGY is a multi-stakeholder partnership, made up using a bottom-up approach and created in order to address the new renewable sources of energy by making use of the working approach of the social innovation platforms that could bring strategies and tools to the regions for their development, adopting an innovative approach based on the interconnection of opportunities in the territory and starting from the real needs of the inhabitants of rural areas.
The innovation itself is the way to work on the behavioral aspect of these challenges.
The project's overall objective is to improve regional and national policies increasing the share of energy from renewable energy (RE) in rural areas (RA) to better inform local consumers, and empower citizens to generate, store, consume, and sell RE without facing disproportionate burdens. In this matter, the local communities can get hands-on involvement in developing specific strategies to improve the acceptance and deployment of RE and unlock the potential that exists in RA.
Besides the main objective, the project has several sub-objectives, such as:
- integrate RE strategies into local, regional, and national economic development strategies;
- integrate RE within larger supply chains in rural economies;
- ensure socio-political acceptance by ensuring clear benefits of using RE as the low-carbon alternative energy to local communities and engaging them in the design, financing, or management process;
- increase the involvement of energy consumers as active players in the development of new RE, and promote synergic dynamics for the generation of RE projects, taking into account the natural resources of the RA and all the agents involved.
SIreNERGY is a project financed under the Interreg Europe program that addresses the greener, low-carbon transition towards a net zero-carbon economy as one of the 5 policy objectives supporting growth for the Cohesion Policy (CP) within the 2021-2027 period.