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Kick-off meeting in Poland

By Project SIRM

The SIRM project, which is funded by INTERREG Europe, had its kick-off meeting on July 4th and 5th, 2023. The Rzeszow Regional Development Agency coordinated the meeting, which was held at the in Rzeszow, Poland.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the implementation of 8 regional development policies in the field of socio-economic integration of migrants and refugees.

Within the first interregional thematic seminar the first exchanges of good practice and learning between partners took place. The meeting gathered the project partners to discuss and start the implementation of the project activities.

The event for project partners is an opportunity to meet in person and share experiences on their policy instruments. Partners used the opportunity to develop individual and joint roadmaps related to their participation in the project, outlining their goals and expected lessons, so that each organization can begin to improve its own policies.

All participants are enthusiastic to start working together to achieve SIRM Europe project scopes.
