Project summary
Europe is facing a twin transition, which requires a change in the skills profiles of its citizens.
Local policymakers need to be able to adequately predict the skills trends on the ground and provide training opportunities linked to local skills ecosystems. In this
How can regional authorities close skills gaps and adapt to the green transition while aligning with their Smart Specialisation (S3/S4) strategies?
The SKYLA partnership, representing eight regions—Tuscany, Podlaskie, Skåne, Sofia, Fingal, Provence-Alpes-Côte D’Azur, and Lithuania—aims to tackle this. They seek to enhance VET’s role in innovation ecosystems, strengthen links between SMEs and VET providers, and boost regional capacity to anticipate and meet skills needs.
Who are we?
- Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (Italy, Lead Partner)
- Podlaskie Region (Poland)
- Regional Council of Skåne, Department for Regional Development (Sweden)
- Industrial Development Center South (Sweden)
- Sofia Municipality (Bulgaria)
- Cluster of Mechatronics and Automation (Bulgaria)
- Fingal County Council (Ireland)
- Regional Development Fund of Attica (Greece)
- EARLALL (Belgium, Advisory Partner)
- European Social Fund Agency (Lithuania)
- France Travail Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (France)
- Regional Government of Tuscany (Italy, Associated Policy Authorities)
- Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (Lithuania, Associated Policy Authorities)
- Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (Montenegro, Discovery Partner)
- Regional Development Agency of Lviv Region (Ukraine, Discovery Partner)

Learn more about SKYLA
Download the project presentation (2024)
What will this project change
SKYLA helps public authorities prioritize future skills for smarter, resilient growth by strengthening VET's role in innovation ecosystems and specialization strategies. It promotes interregional learning to modernize VET, explores policy solutions, designs policies to integrate skills into the twin transition, and uses local resources to implement and monitor improvements.