The three days focused on finance reporting, project activities results reporting and Communication. SKYLA-lead partner and finance managers (Agency for the Development of the Empolese Valdelsa) and the Communication manager (EARLALL) participated among the 227 representatives of the 72 projects approved in the first call.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, SKYLA's Lead partner represented by both Enrico Valori (from the Agency for the Development of the Empolese Valdelsa) and Pietro Colini (Project manager at RESOLVO) attended the Finance and Project activities and results training. During these days, the lead partner learnt more about the financial reporting and control procedures and requirements related to the management of Interreg Europe projects. On the following day, the managers enlarged their knowledge about the programme’s expectations related to the reporting of activities, good practices, and results. They will transfer this knowledge to the rest of the partners.
Alicia Gaban (from EARLALL) participated in the Communications Training on the final day. She met with the Interreg Europe Communications Team and other project team members. Through three interactive sessions, communications managers explored how to communicate better project stories and how to follow the communications requirements of the programme. During the final "Share & Learn" session, participants exchanged tips and tools to improve Interreg Europe projects communications strategies.
Thanks to Interreg Europe Programme training days, the SKYLA project is ready to improve its financial and reporting techniques and go one step ahead on its communications efforts.