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The rice of Calasparra PDO: sustainable farming in practice

By Project SMEOrigin

The rice fields of Calasparra were the accent of the study visit during the kick-off meeting of SMEOrigin partners in Murcia in May 2023. They are a clear example of naturally sustainable farming, delivering unique product. 

During the visit, the members had the opportunity to visit the Calasparra Virgen de la Fuensanta Rice Cooperative, where they learned first-hand about the high-quality production of the product, how the spaces and procedures are organised according to the type of rice involved or even the packaging of the product with its distinctive seal. 

Rice of Calasparra SMEOrigin partners
Rice of Calasparra

Afterwards, the partners visited the various locally produced rice fields. One of the characteristics that make this product from Calasparra so special is the fact that the water in the rice plantations is not stagnant, which allows a constant flow that increases the quality of the final product, unlike other types of plantations.  

Calasparra rice fields

In addition, the partners visited the museum of Calasparra in the Tourist Office of the Municipality, where they were introduced to the different recreational and tourist activities that are organised around the production of rice, as a differentiating element and an enhancer of local development.  

A picture in the Calasparra museum showing the unique irrigation system of rice fields


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