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A year of SPOTLOG: Boosting sustainable logistics

By Project SPOTLOG
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Decarbonizing logistics is a major hurdle, particularly as demand for goods delivery is expected to rise significantly. A collaborative effort across Europe is aiming to revolutionize logistics operations and last-mile deliveries, making deliveries greener and more socially responsible. The Interreg Europe project SPOTLOG is a four-year initiative co-funded by the European Commission and is coordinated by the University of Aveiro, Portugal. With a budget of more than €2 million and involving 13 partners from Central Portugal (University of Aveiro and Fundão), Italy (TTS Italia and Rimini), Poland (Mazovian Energy Agency), Latvia (Vidzeme planning region), Finland (Tampere University of Applied Sciences), Belgium (City of Mechelen), France (city of Lille), Romania (Constanta and Smart cities Cluster), and the recently included Discovery Partners from Ukraine (Municipal institution City Institute Lviv) and Moldova (IALOVENI City Hall), the project aims to empower local entities to participate in creating sustainable logistics systems, including prioritizing zero-carbon delivery methods, such as cargo bikes and electric vehicles, while leveraging digital technologies to optimize goods and passenger transport, and focusing on low-density communities and medium-sized cities.

SPOTLOG goes beyond theory, offering practical demonstrations of sustainable logistics.

SPOTLOG addresses key barriers like fragmented data collection and a lack of collaboration between public and private actors. The focus of the project is to learn from other regions and foster knowledge sharing and interregional cooperation through "Exchange of Experience" (EoE) events. These meetings bring together project partners and relevant stakeholders to discuss good practices and innovative solutions. 

The first year of SPOTLOG saw successful EoE events in Tampere, Finland, and Rimini, Italy, in which participants from project partners and key stakeholders explored topics like the role of logistics in achieving climate-neutral cities and fostering sustainable last-mile delivery.

The first Exchange of Experience Event occurred in Tampere, Finland and participants had the chance to test an autonomous bus, showcasing the potential of future transport solutions. Additionally, the study visit to the Lyyli Living Lab was very important since it serves as a development environment within the city's tramway system, fostering experimentation in urban logistics and highlighting the power of collaborative innovation. The Rimini Exchange of Experience Event specifically addressed the complexities of last-mile delivery, the final stage of the delivery process. Discussions centered on potential solutions like collaborative delivery networks, public awareness campaigns promoting green technologies, and integrating sustainable logistics into urban planning.

SPOTLOG partnership is deeply committed to building a sustainable future for urban and last-mile deliveries, exploring challenges, identifying barriers, and finding solutions that pose a significant contribution to more sustainable practices in the logistics sector. Interregional cooperation is fundamental to jointly tackling complex problems and learning potential solutions, sharing experiences and good practices, which can empower participating regions to develop more effective policies for sustainable logistics. SPOTLOG recognizes the importance of translating pilot projects into lasting change.

The project seeks to develop comprehensive policies that incentivize green practices, break down regulatory barriers, and ensure scalability across cities. Before committing resources to a large-scale project, pilot actions are powerful opportunities to learn and understand the potential of a specific measure. Under the SPOTLOG Project, a pilot action will be implemented in Rimini, namely building a micro-consolidation hub in the vicinity of the urban center and strategically located near the main roads and highway, to facilitate last-mile delivery by cargo bikes and lightweight e-vehicles, inspired by an established practice in the city of Mechelen, Belgium.

By fostering collaboration, innovation, and a shift towards sustainable practices, SPOTLOG is paving the way for a greener and more socially responsible future for city logistics across Europe. 

Stay tuned for the next project outcomes!