Stakeholders interviews
Enjoy the interviews to SPOTLOG stakeholders!
For SPOTLOG, the City of Mechelen interviewed Peter Cats, Trens, developing a new type of electric vehicle that could be very interesting for urban logistics.
For SPOTLOG, the City of Lille, interviewed Dominique Drapier, working at the Ports of Lille for several years in the marketing department.

For SPOTLOG, Mazovia Energy Agency Sp. z o.o. (MAE) interviewed Mirek Gral - consultant in Last Mile Experts.

For SPOTLOG, Smart Cities of Romania Cluster and Constanta Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association interviewed Alex Vasiliu – Emobility Rentals - discussing logistics solutions and smart mobility in general in Romania.
For SPOTLOG, Gennaro Ciccarelli, TTS Italia, interviewed Alice Benini, Institute for Transport and Logistics (ITL).

For SPOTLOG, Ms. Donata Bigazzi from the Municipality of Rimini interviewed Gianluca Temerli, teacher at the Belluzzi-Da Vinci Technical Institute.
For SPOTLOG, Sami Kalliokpski from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences(TAMK) interviewed Ali Huttunen from the Tampere Tramway.