Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Financed by the ERDF and ESF+, Regional programmes mobilise most Operational Programmes (OP), with particular emphasis on OP1, OP2 and OP5. Centro 2030 (under the final stage of approval) will be particularly focused on the territorial dimension of public policies/territorialisation of public policies, including the Territorial Plans for a Just Transition.
LP and PP02 will address the following priorities and objectives:
- Priority 2 - Promoting the improvement of digital connectivity and mobility conditions through investment in competitive and sustainable infrastructures, which allow for the reduction of context costs and respect for the environment; promote a transversal and comprehensive process of digital skills (companies, citizens, public services).
- Strategic Objective – “Greener Portugal” with the following Specific Objective to “Promote sustainable multimodal urban mobility as part of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy” and “It is crucial to promote the use of public transport and its decarbonization and energy transition, promoting seamless mobility and adopting innovative and intelligent solutions that promote multimodal use that promote the decarbonization of cities", Foster the necessary commitment to digitalization and innovative solutions.
Partners working on this policy instrument

In its SUMP, a 10 years plan, the Municipality of Rimini identified mobility-related actions and strategies to further develop the various modes of transport while encouraging the use of more environmentally sustainable ones.
Regarding urban logistics, the SUMP reiterates that in order to affirm new mobility, "the strategic scheme of prefigurable solutions is based on the construction of a multimodal system integrated at all territorial scales, both for passenger and freight transport, and correlated on the territorial reorganization of logistics and large, highly attractive functions".
The principal objectives of the SUMP are as follows:
- ensure good / better levels of accessibility and travel conditions for people who live in the city, work there or stay there
- ensure better levels of accessibility and transport for the sector of urban distribution
- mitigate the environmental externalities of traffic in urban areas
- contribute to the improvement of the urban quality of public spaces, to their livability and tourist attractiveness
PP03 and PP07 will work together and address directly the 2° and 3° objectives, and also contribute the following specific objectives and activities:
- Extension of areas with priority for sustainable mobility
- "Hindrance" of vehicular traffic
- Regulation of urban distribution of goods
Partners working on this policy instrument

The first SUMP of the Constanta Metropolitan Area (CMA) was designed during 2015 - 2016 in a national programme aiming to develop SUMPs for the 8th Growth Poles in Romania, plus for the Bucharest-Ilfov region, implemented in partnership by the Regional Development Ministry and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The SUMP vision is to achieve a sustainable, safe, integrated, and accessible transport system, connecting people and places, supporting economy, environment, and quality of life in the Constanta Growth Pole.
Thus, the main objectives of the SUMP are to improve:
- ACCESSIBILITY – Ensuring all citizens are offered transport options that enable access to key destinations and services
- SAFETY AND SECURITY - Reducing fatal and serious traffic accidents
- ENVIRONMENT – Reducing air and noise pollution and GHG emissions
- ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY – Enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transportation of people and goods
Special attention will be given to:
- QUALITY OF URBAN ENVIRONMENT - Contributing to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and urban design for the benefit of citizens, the economy and society as a whole.
The plan proposes a series of actions that the municipalities of CMA can implement within the time horizon of 2030 in different fields, for example: Walking and Cycling, Integration between Transport and Urban Planning, Mobility management, Urban Logistics and Inter-modality.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Mazovian Voivodeship Regional Operating Programme 2021-2027, with priority axis on European Funds for the development of urban mobility in Mazovia, focuses on supporting sustainable multimodal urban mobility as part of the transition towards a zero-carbon economy.
The planned projects mainly relate to:
• Cycling and walking infrastructure
• Ecological and competitive public transport
• Construction and reconstruction of public transport infrastructure.
All projects related to the development of sustainable multimodal urban mobility must lead to the coordination of transport policy with the spatial policy to reduce transport intensity and contribute to achieve lower emissions levels.
Projects must result from plans prepared by local governments, which contain references to the issue of switching to greener and more sustainable transport systems in cities.
These documents can be low-emission economy plans or sustainable urban mobility plans, defining local conditions and directions of planned interventions in a given area and, depending on the identified needs, containing references or indicating relevant applicable documents containing references to such issues as collective passenger transport, non-motorized transport, use of ITS, urban logistics, road traffic safety in cities, or the implementation of new usage patterns.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The horizontal principles of the Vidzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2022-2027 are:
- ensuring accessibility
- improving governance, including the implementation of efficient and innovative public administration solutions geared to the specificities of the region and broad stakeholder involvement
- promoting the development of smart specialisations, particularly the bioeconomy, ensuring consistency of actions across priorities.
PP08 will address the following priorities and related tasks:
- Aim: To improve people's quality of life
- Priority: Mobility and accessibility; Direction of Action: Reachability and accessibility
- Task: To promote cooperation on mobility and traffic infrastructure issues; develop digital transport infrastructure, namely to promote the penetration of sustainable and efficient last-mile logistical means.
The indicator to be achieved: Cities with new or upgraded digital urban logistics and mobility systems.
The project is also linked to objective 3: to promote economic development and growth by transforming economic models.
Priority: Industry transformation.
Direction of action: Industrial transformation and competitiveness.
Task: To promote the development of local products, including products based on local resources, and the formation of short food chains. chains, therefore, facilitating the optimization of logistics in low-density areas contributing to progressive minimization of carbon footprint.
Partners working on this policy instrument

As well as passenger transport, the transport of goods makes up a major part of the traffic streams in Mechelen. At least 10% of the traffic in Mechelen is dedicated to the transport of goods. B2B and B2C deliveries are only increasing.
In its logistics policy, Mechelen strives for both sustainable and efficient logistics. In concrete, the aim is to reduce the number of driven kilometers, the number of vehicle movements, CO2 emissions, improving air quality.
Mechelen uses a carrot stick approach: favoring sustainable ways of logistics and discourage non-sustainable ways of logistics. The ultimate goal is zero-emission logistics in the inner city, as stated in Mechelen covenant on sustainable urban logistics: 29 parties, interest organizations, retailers, and logistic service providers, signed the covenant and engaged themselves in the zero-emission goal of 2030.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The City of Lille is working on the implementation of a Sustainable Last-Kilometer Urban Logistics Action Plan, whose 5 main priorities are already identified and addressed in SPOTLOG:
- Set up a local stakeholders group on last-kilometer logistics
- Create and adopt a Sustainable Urban Logistics Charter with urban logistics actors, shop owners and craftsmen. Applying sustainable mobility practices to freight flows
- Work on standardizing addressing and delivery zones
- Identify spaces to be dedicated to cyclo-logistics
- Implementation of a Limited Traffic Zone focused on logistics and prefiguring the Low Emissions Zone the European Metropolis of Lille is shaping.
Partners working on this policy instrument