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SPOTLOG 1st Exchange of Experience Event held in Finland!

By Project SPOTLOG
SPOTLOG Consortium in Tampere

The first SPOTLOG Exchange of Experience Event (EoE) was held in Tampere, Finland, on 6-8 June 2023, organised by the Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

The event gathered the project partners and their regional stakeholders representing seven other European countries in Tampere, Finland. Combing this event with the Tampere Smart City event in Nokia Arena highlighted the importance of sharing good practices in sustainable city logistics across borders.

During the event, thematic seminars, project workshops and a visit to a logistic micro hub, the newish tram living lab in Tampere, were organised.

The first day of the Exchange of Experience event offered the opportunity to explore various aspects of urban mobility and innovative transportation solutions by participating in an international transport and logistic seminar with special topic of Boosting urban mobility 2.0 smart rail. The seminar took place at marvelous Nokia Arena in the heart of the city, more specifically in the Tampere University Community’s Paidia seminar center as a part of Tampere Smart City Conference & Expo. The seminar featured several presentations which provided insights into cutting-edge technologies and their applications in the transportation industry. 

SPOTLOG Thematic seminar

The project workshop with international stakeholders on the second day of the EoE offered the opportunity to hear presentations from SPOTLOG partners regarding their activities in the field of Smart City Mobility. These presentations provided valuable insights into the work being done by each partner and their contributions to the project. There was also enough room to discuss and debate excellent best practices and the wider state of the art of the related research field. In addition, the project workshop provided good understanding of the diverse range of skills and knowledge within our project team. The lessons learned concerning pilots and trials from each partner region were very valuable and paved the way towards the implementation of the SPOTLOG project for the next four years to come.

One of the highlights of the EoE was the visit to the Tampere Tramway Depot on the final day of the event, witnessing the Tram Maketti mock-up, exploring the advanced driver's training 3D simulator environment and experiencing Lyyti wagon, an open living lab testbed for new technologies and services related to urban mobility. This hands-on experience allowed the participants to gain a deeper understanding of the tram operations and the challenges faced while developing future mobility solutions in smart cities. The Tram Depot visit further enhanced the experience by offering a real-life simulation of the technologies and concepts presented during the seminar. 

The SPOTLOG project team and the stakeholders had the practical opportunity to test autonomous bus in real traffic on streets of Hervanta neighbourhoods in Tampere. This complemented and concretised the first day’s seminar which had included speeches and more theoretical examples such as Automated and Remotely Controlled Transport Now and in the Future and a specific presentation regarding robot busses as part of public transport system.



2021-2027 Programme