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1st RSG Meeting at Hajdú-Bihar County Government

By Project SYSTOUR

Participants at the expert meeting held on 6 June 2023 included loca lauthorities, experts in spatial and urban development, university researchers, representatives of the tourism sector and business development institutions, NGOs and the Hajdú-Bihar County Directorate of the National Chamber of Agriculture.

It was an opportunity to discuss issues related to the project's theme, both in the county and in a broader context, focusing on the sustainable and responsible development of tourism in rural areas and small towns.

A number of gaps and needs that fundamentally determine the future direction of tourism in rural areas (holisticapproach, quality development, visibility, the role of repositories of values, thematic orientations) were identified, as well as opportunities and good examples.

Following a technical discussion, the participants agreed that the most important step in the project is to develop a complete county "portfolio" based on the repositories, taking into account the latest trends in tourism, the new types of needs that are emerging, and reinforcing this with appropriate visualisation and marketing.

The indicative date for the next expertmeeting was set for October 2023, thus closing this expert meeting.

Sustainable tourism