Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Regional Strategy of Development 2030+ eemphasizes four main areas: Economy (Objective 1), Environment (Objective 2), Demography (Objective 3) and Governance (Objective 4).
Operational objective 1. 3. Supporting the transformation of the region’s main economic sectors 1. 3. 3. Growth the tourist potential of the region based on the spa, cultural and cultural heritage an environment conducive to the development of tourism health-promoting and also 1. 3. 4. creating the conditions for modern agriculture; and Processing of the agri-food industry.
According to the strategy the Świętokrzyskie economy must develop taking into account regional potentials, which should be used to create and develop branded tourist products. In the first place, it concerns the richness of the natural environment and cultural heritage. These activities should strengthen the areas with the greatest development potential, where the most important and key natural and cultural resources and values are accumulated. This will make it possible to build their real competitive advantage and make them a strong driving force for the development of tourism in the entire voivodeship.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The targeted policy instrument is the Regional Development Programme of Hajdú-Bihar County, which provides a framework for the county's development scheme for the period 2021-2027.
This is a medium-term plan which describes in detail the development priorities, defines the specific interventions and measures to be implemented within the framework of the priorities and reviews the framework and conditions for implementation. This policy serves as the underlying regional strategic document for the definition of the national Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme (TSDOP) that provides the funding for the implementation of measures defined at regional level by the 19 Hungarian county governments.
The development objectives include a specific measure (Measure 3.10 within Priority 3 “Complex development of the county’s economy”) dedicated to “Developing the leisure economy: sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage”.
As a result of the developments, the main aim is to support the development of proper ecosystem (digitalisation, mobility solutions) and well-structured local product elements (attractive rural portfolio) specific to Hajdú-Bihar to exploit untapped rural tourism potential to increase green employment opportunities and strengthening the economic aspect of such business potential for the better well-being of rural communities.
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The new policy instrument ROP ERDF 21-27 will be approved in the next few weeks. In the framework of program. The “Policy objective 5” states that in the regional territory an integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development will be promoted; the priority will be given to culture and natural heritage, sustainable tourism and safety in areas other than urban ones (AI). Particular attention will be given to the mobility (transport, public or private initiatives), the Digital connection (interactive platforms) and wellbeing of tourists (focus on experiential tourism) The ROP ERDF 14 -20, Action 5.2.1, foresaw interventions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, a support for integrated interventions for the conservation, protection, promotion and development of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, with the aim to help and feed the virtuous circle of protection and promotion of resources.
Partners working on this policy instrument

It is a revitalisation plan focused on the development of the tourist destination from a supramunicipal and sustainable approach. The plan is seen as a strategy for integral development and 12 municipalities cohesion. To this end, it integrates the resources and the tourist offer around three strategic projects: food and wine tourism, outdoor nature tourism and identity and heritage tourism. The main objective of this plan is to ensure a balance and harmony in the relationship between visitors and local society, and the environment, and therefore working with a sustainable and responsible tourism, guaranteeing a positive impact on the economy, the environment, and the well-being of the population.
The Plan should contribute to the strengthening of the business fabric and the creation of quality employment. And it must contribute also to tourism in the Basque Country by coordinating its offer with the rest to the Basque offer and strategy
The priority measures involve the identification and development of unique products that allow differentiation and, in turn, coordination with the offer of the surrounding area. These products must respond to the need to have a coherent story that distributes tourist flows throughout the region, paying special attention to sustainable mobility as a tool to achieve this distribution. On the other hand, digital connectivity will serve both to improve the positioning of tourism and to increase the competitiveness of the business sector.
Partners working on this policy instrument

(SRDTL) responds to the challenges of developing regional tourism promoting economic development and employment in the region, in line with sustainability objectives:
To preserve the natural and heritage assets that are the foundation of the region's tourist appeal;
To support the competitiveness and transformation of companies in the tourism sector, particularly through innovation;
To promote a balanced development of the regional territory.
7 challenges identified: (1) Tourism development of the territories, (2) Sustainable and inclusive tourism, (3) Innovation, (4) Employment and training, (5) Competitiveness, (6) Attractiveness, (7) Shared strategy.
In line with SYSTOUR: (SRDTL) promotes “eco-responsibility of companies” & support energy transition of companies; propose “a qualified offer based on environmental issues in line with aspirations and expectations of customers” & develop environmentally tourist experiences.
To contribute to a balanced planning and development region’s ambition are to assist local authorities on competences for "tourism"; to optimize partnerships between local authorities; to support collective dynamics of professional sectors.
Regional plan focuses on “developing tourism for all”, proposing to “make social tourism a real factor in economic development of territories” and “facilitate access to measures in favour of vacationing and tourist discovery days”.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Central Ostrobothnia Regional Programme 2022–2025 lists the development of tourism industry as one of the objectives. Cultural and natural heritage are important in the identity building of the region as well as in increasing the region’s attractiveness and tourism flows to the region. In the Regional Programme tourism is recognised as one of the key sectors that can bring new economic opportunities for the depopulated rural areas, aligned with sustainable development.
One of the priorities of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Central Ostrobothnia 2022–2025 is sustainable tourism and social innovation. The objective identified in the Strategy is to support innovations in the tourism sector and to promote the sustainable growth of tourism sector in Central Ostrobothnia, by developing tourism into ecologically, socio-culturally, & economically sustainable industry in the region.
The Tourism Strategy 2021–2025 describes a vision for tourism in Central Ostrobothnia by 2025: The tourism industry will be a key part of the economy and the attractiveness of the region; Different actors from entrepreneurs to municipalities and the third sector will cooperate with each other and pursue joint objectives based on the strengths of the region; All actions are based on the principles of sustainable development. Reaching the goal of ecologically and economically sustainable tourism industry requires new solutions related to mobility, digitalisation, and international visibility.
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