Project summary
The common regional development issue addressed by SYSTOUR is the TOURISM as the common regional development issue that can play an important role in improving the attractiveness and well-being of places, not only as destinations to visit but also to live, work and investment.
In the frame of INTERREG EUROPE, this issue is important for European regions because the policy needs to be applied to aid the dispersal of tourism away from honeypot areas experiencing pressures from heavy visitor flows, an issue which has seen increasing policy and media attention in recent years.
SYSTOUR main goal is to move the tourism flow to the rural areas that are none exploited and stress the particularities of these territories, looking for a balance in each territory's flows and connecting areas through 3 main aspects:
1) Mobility (transport, public or private initiatives)
2) Digital connection and
3) Particular experiences (healthy leisure, gastronomy, spas offer)
All the infrastructures should be sustainable and provide access to the natural areas with 3 specific aims:
1) Increasing economy benefit/business investment.
2) Green employment opportunities.
3) Increasing the liability in depopulated areas.
To that end, SYSTOUR will achieve the following outputs and results:
• Development of 6 regional/national holistic diagnoses.
• Identification and exchange of 30 good practices (5 per country) in 5 target policy areas.
• Holding of 6 interregional exchange of experience activities with participation of 90 stakeholders and partners.
• Engagement of 6 regional/national stakeholders’ groups all along the exchange and strategic thinking process leading to the definition and implementation of 6 Road maps of policy improvement.
• Interregional recommendations based on 6 Policy briefings as output of the 6 peer reviews meetings.