Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Programme Extremadura ERDF 2021-2027 (ES) was approved in December 2022 to receive support from the European Regional Development Fund with the objective of investing in jobs and growth in Extremadura. Following the European policy framework, the Programme has different priorities, and
UNIFHY will focus on the Green Transition. In particular, on the second specific objective to promote renewable energy.
This policy promotes renewable energy with a special consideration on the link between economic activity, economic growth and the increase in GHG emissions. The specific objective chosen will give priority to supporting non-traditional and innovative renewables with low profitability, to promoting citizen participation in the energy transition and to fully incorporating renewable energy in the different sectors, focusing on those that are more challenging to decarbonize.
There is a specific mention to promoting the use of renewable gases and to encourage the incorporation of new generation technologies, such as green hydrogen, due to its potential to be used in industry and transport.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Aalborg Municipality Business Strategy (DK) is a countinuous policy with revisions every four years. It focuses specifically on businesses in the green transition, as well as the connection between the availability of the right skills and the development of the municipality. In seven objectives, the policy outlines how Aalborg Municipality create development opportunities for businesses through local, regional, national, and international partnerships.
UNIFHY will focus on the objective on Sustainable Energy Security, which aims at strengthening the municipal energy supply infrastructure to attract companies working with green transition.
Through the actions below, Aalborg Municiaplity will improve infrastructure and framework conditions to support, develop and ensure energy supply, including sector integration, hydrogen production and CO2 reduction/capture. Actions:
- Promote use of surplus heat from industry for district heating/cooling.
- Promote agricultural climate solutions, such as grass protein and biochar
- Focus on CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation/Power-to-X and storage).
- Plan for further expansion of wind turbines and solar panels.
- Attract investors and develop new projects (both pilot and demonstration).
- Build international partnerships to test and demonstrate green projects.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Since 2006, Kalmar County has set a goal to become a fossil fuel-free region by 2030, and this is an essential part of the regional development. This is consolidated in the addressed policy instrument, Action Program for a Fossil Fuel-Free Region (SE). Although this policy was approved in 2006, it is regularly updated, and the latest version was approved in 2019.
The policy presents common strategies, sub-goals, and prioritized activities. The starting point is that the work should lead to reduced emissions of fossil carbon dioxide, more efficient energy use, and a growing economy contributing to sustainable development. The public sector should take the lead and demonstrate that it is possible to combine ambitious climate goals with sustainable growth. Therefore, the municipalities in the county follow the regional action plan with local versions.
UNIFHY will focus on the policy's first goal of Fossil Fuel Free Production.
The six goals, which all have sub-goals and various activities to achieve them, included in the policy are:
- Fossil fuel-free production
- Fossil fuel-free energy consumption
- Efficient energy use
- A growing economy for sustainable development
- Knowledge, awareness, and sustainable consumption
- Resources, foundations, and working methods
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Hydrogen Technology Development Strategy of the Moravian-Silesian Region (CZ) aims to capture the entire hydrogen value chain - from production, transport and storage infrastructure to the use of hydrogen, and it involves all the regional stakeholders through a close cooperation between the public, private and academic sectors. This will help create a new and innovative industry that will lead to job creation and regional economic growth.
UNIFHY will focus on the overall main goal of the policy to develop hydrogen technologies, promote the use of hydrogen in transport, industry and energy, and contribute to regional decarbonisation and transformation.
This policy is part of a wider plan to transform the region's energy system and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and it sets out the following objectives:
- Promote the production and use of hydrogen and green hydrogen in the region to increase energy resilience and adaptation to climate change.
- Develop hydrogen technologies and support businesses in the region and their competitiveness in the EU/global market.
- Create new industrial segments of hydrogen, including applied research and development.
- Engage in EU and international hydrogen-related initiatives and projects, and cooperate with other EU regions.
- Increase hydrogen awareness and involvement of citizens, businesses and institutions.
The strategy is based on four key areas: production, consumption, infrastructure and innovation. In each one of them, specific actions and indicators are defined to monitor progress.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Renewable Energy Strategy for Waterford (EI) aims to maximize the use of green hydrogen and biomethane in the energy system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance grid stability, and achieve the decarbonization goals set in the region.
UNIFHY will focus on the areas of the policy that involves hydrogen.
Its main characteristics are:
- To promote the production, storage, and distribution of green hydrogen and biomethane from renewable sources, such as wind power, solar power, and biogas. It emphasizes the integration of these renewable gases into the existing energy infrastructure, including the gas network, to ensure a clean, stable and reliable energy supply.
- To improve policies related to grid access and connection, to address the feasibility of injecting green hydrogen and biomethane into the existing gas grid. The goal is to enhance grid stability by incorporating green hydrogen and biomethane into the energy mix.
- The strategy recognizes the potential of green hydrogen and biomethane in decarbonizing the gas network.
The policy emphasizes priority measures to facilitate the development of green hydrogen and biomethane projects, including the establishment of infrastructure for storage and distribution, and the facilitation of their injection into the gas network. Market-establishing policies, such as guaranteed off-take agreements, feed-in tariffs, and carbon pricing mechanisms, can provide the necessary economic incentives for producers and will allow to create a market demand for renewable gases.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Energy Development Program for the Lubelskie Voivodeship (PL) was adopted in 2009. This document translates national energy policy to the regional level, and it constitutes the basis of the regional energy policy implementation.
The aim of the policy is to assess the problems and needs, as well as to propose directions for the development of the energy sector in the region. It takes into account national energy and environmental policies, and regional needs regarding its economic development.
UNIFHY will focus on the following aspects of the policy:
- The improvement of energy security and supply in the region.
- A better use of local energy sources, mainly renewable but also on the reduction of fossil fuels.
- The improvement of the energy infrastructure in the region.
- The reduction of the negative impact of the energy sector on the environment.
- The balance between centralized energy and distributed energy, ensuring sustainability but also energy democracy.
Partners working on this policy instrument