Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The policy instrument to be enhanced through the 3F GREEN MODEL project will advance Szombathely's vision from an environmental point of view to be one of the most progressive and committed Hungarian cities in climate protection by 2030.
In the "Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the City of Szombathely" actions for adaptation to the Circular Economy as a tool to reduce climate impact are developed through several chapters and in a cross-cutting manner: Chapter 5, Climate Change Adaptive Capacity Assessment; Chapter 6, the Mitigation Strategy, sets out the objectives and actions that Szombathely will undertake to prevent climate change until 2030. Chapter 7 is the Climate Action Plan, i.e. the adaptation objectives and actions that the city is undertaking to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of the projected events. Chapter 8 sets out the funding background of the actions and Chapter 9 the method and frequency of monitoring.
Within the Policy Instrument, several measures are addressed for:
- Energy recovery of waste: by the Regional Waste Management Association of the Western Transdanubian Municipalities of Szombathely and Szombathely County.
- Reduce and reuse waste from local industries, including wood industries.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Priority: E3. Circularity and Bioeconomy.
Directions of Action:
1) Development of circular economy
2) Development of bioeconomy
3) Introduction of recycling principles in waste management
Tasks: promoting knowledge and understanding of the circular economy; to attract expertise and knowledge to promote the circulation of business; promote the use of production surpluses/by-products and the creation of added value; promote industrial symbiosis by developing resource exchanges and networking activities; create an infrastructure supporting the circular economy; increase the knowledge of bioeconomy stakeholders on the bioeconomy and the smart and sustainable use of biological resources; promote the development, availability and exchange of knowledge that companies need to produce products and services based on biological resources; strengthen the operation of the Latvian Food Bioeconomy Cluster, popularize and promote its activities; ensure that up-to-date, evidence-based bio-economic data and information is available and disseminated to bio-economic stakeholders; increase the attractiveness of Vidzeme region as a desirable place for innovations and investments in the bioeconomy; promote sorting and recycling of bio-waste; promote the reuse and sharing of resources.
In addition, the project targets Horizontal principle of the Policy document: “Promoting the development of smart specialization”, in particular the bioeconomy, ensuring consistency of actions across all priorities.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Asturias policy instruments to be improved are targeted at the transversal area of circular economy, meeting multiple objectives and affecting different sectors.
Among the challenges that the ERDF Regional Operational Programme Asturias 2021-2027 intends to face, the promotion of the ecological transition is included by promoting energy efficiency, the improvement of water resources and adaptation to climate change, for a Europe more green. This challenge is intended to be covered through Priority 2.A of the Green Transition, through its specific objectives SO 2.1 to promote energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; SO 2.4 on promoting adaptation to climate change, disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches and SO 2.5 on promoting access to water and sustainable water management.
This priority is complemented by P4.A on social transformation, which aims to guarantee territorial balance and quality of life by reinforcing equal and timely access to quality services, for a more social Europe, which is developed through of the specific objectives of improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in the field of education, training and lifelong learning through the development of accessible infrastructures, includes the promotion of resilience in education and training (SO 4.2) and the objective of guaranteeing equal access to technical health care and in the family and local spheres (SO 4.5).
Partners working on this policy instrument

Within the current RDP in relation to the topic addressed, submeasure 6.4.b - "Investment in the creation and development of facilities for the production of energy from renewable sources" provides incentives for interventions to support investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities aimed at the production, transport and sale of energy from renewable sources. This sub-measure supports the construction of plants for the production of solar energy; plants for the production of electricity from hydropower (micro-hydro); installations for the production of wind energy; installations for the production, transport and sale of energy and/or heat in connection with thermal power stations with boilers fed predominantly with woody biomass; plants for the production of biogas; small networks for the distribution of energy serving power stations or micro-power stations, provided that such network is owned by the beneficiary.
Also Submeasure 16.6 "Cooperation between actors in the supply chain for the sustainable supply of biomass for food and energy production and industrial processes".
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Irish CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, which was submitted to the EU Commission last December, is the main instrument to underpin the sustainable development of Ireland’s agri-food sector. It stresses the aim of supporting the economic, environmental and social sustainability of rural areas, with a particularly strong emphasis on achieving a higher level of climate and environment ambition.
Under Specific Objective 8 it aims at promoting the circular bio-economy and sustainable forestry within the broader objective of boosting employment, growth, gender equality, social inclusion and local development in rural areas. The maximisation of the opportunities presented by the circular and bio-economy in rural areas is identified as the highest priority under this OS, and a number of interventions are addressing that need, including support to organic farming practices and investments on farms.
The Plan foresees that circular economy will be promoted through European Innovation Partnerships, which will support innovative ways to maximise opportunities presented by the circular and bio-economy, as well as projects that focus on increasing the opportunities for women in agriculture or rural enterprises. It stresses that this is an area of the agri-food sector that will require creative and ambitious action to make such a transition. LEADER projects may also to support sustainable community development in rural areas, in particular in addressing environmental and climate challenges.
Partners working on this policy instrument