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GREENHEALTH Local Living Lab in Murcia


On the 28th of June 2023, our Lead Partner - General Directorate for the Natural Environment of the Region of Murcia - gathered key stakeholders to discuss the topic 'Natural Protected Areas, a fundamental asset for human well-being' on the occasion of World Tree Day or Tree Festival.

In line with GREENHEALTH aim, this second 'Local Living Lab' saw the participation of local and regional stakeholders, which can contribute to the development and implementation of environmental and health policies and strategies.

Participants included:

  •     The Paediatric Environmental Health Unit of the Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca;
  •     the Dementia Unit of this centre;
  •     the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions of the Regional Ministry of Health;
  •     the Official College of Physiotherapists;
  •     the Official College of Biologists of the Region of Murcia;
  •     the Tourist Association of Sierra Espuña;
  •     the Agroeconatura network;
  •     the Applied Psychology Service of the University of Murcia;
  •     and the Faculty of Law and the Department of the Environment of the UCAM.

The Director General for the Natural Environment, María Cruz Ferreira, indicated "we have delved into the diagnosis of the project and the interrelation between health and the environment, a fundamental pillar of the 'One Health' programme, endorsed in the Region by the acting Regional Minister Juan María Vázquez, as regional parks, Protected Natural Areas and, therefore, trees, especially today, are essential for the conservation of the environment, as they are the lungs of our planet".

"To do this, we need to increase the knowledge and capacity building of regional public authorities in improving the management of Protected Areas, coordination between different actors, sustainable inclusivity, development of collaborative networks, identification, transfer and adoption of innovative and successful good practices," explained Cruz Ferreira. "All this, she added, to create synergies between the binomial of natural areas and human health".

The DG updated the participants on the initiation of the 'regional analysis' process, aimed at working on the diagnosis of the current state of Protected Natural Areas and human health and well-being.

This is being done in a participatory way and will outline the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to these two sectors in tandem with EUROPARC Spain, technically leading and accompanying this exercise.

Source: Murcianatural

Regional policy