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First stakeholder meeting in Romania - North-East RDA

By Project SIreNERGY
STK meeting

The first encounter between North-East RDA's regional stakeholders and SIreNERGY occurred on June 19 via the Zoom platform.

The online meeting hosted 17 people, where representatives of the North-East RDA presented:

  • the preamble of the current situation in Romania, the region, and in the EU related to RES;
  • SIreNERGY's objectives, purpose, partnership, and figures;
  • advantages and challenges in rural areas;
  • stakeholder's involvement in this project.

Along with the host, relevant people from the energy field participated, such as:

  • Vice Dean at The Faculty of Engineering, Bacau - University (municipality);
  • Executive Director European Projects Directorate, Suceava - City Hall (municipality);
  • Councilor in the Local Development and European Integration Service, Barlad - City Hall (city);
  • Energy Department Manager, Botosani - City Hall (municipality);
  • Inspector Energy Efficiency Department, Roman - City Hall (city);
  • Director of Electrical Engineering Department, Suceava - University (municipality);
  • Lecturer at Electrical Engineering Department, Suceava- University (municipality);
  • An advisor within the Development and Cooperation Directorate, Vaslui - County Council (municipality - in charge of rural areas);
  • Investment Advisor, Miroslava - Hall (rural area);
  • Advisor, Dumbraveni - Hall (rural area);
  • Suceava Territorial Administrative Unit - City Hall (municipality).

After a free discussion in which everyone pitched their idea, several opportunities lined up, and we can work on them at the regional level. We agreed on the development of two primary X-rays in the region: 

  • the existing situation, forecasts, and expectations, from buildings to large energy consumers;
  • RES – certified biomass, PV with energy storage.

Also, there was taken into consideration the implementation of several ideas related to awareness among students, pupils, and residents in rural and urban areas, promoting local innovation projects on RES.

In conclusion, the meeting brought a mutual understanding, fruitful collaboration between the entities present and ad-hoc brainstorming that turned into great ideas built on actual needs. 

Renewable energy
Sharing ideas