Yuliia Herasymchuk Senior Lecturer Державний університет «Житомирська політехніка» Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +2
Dnipro Polytechnic Professional Applied College DPFC Дніпровський політехнічний фаховий коледж Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project
Davide Durante Communications and Projects European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning Belgium Interested in Join a project 2 projects
Andrii Riabukha first deputy head Соледарська міська рада Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +3
LOLA CARRACEDO Tourism Tecnician Oficina de Turismo Ayuntamiento La Codosera Spain Interested in Lead a project +3
Zeynep CAN YETEN R&D project management Assistant Specialist Kanat Boyacılık Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. Turkey Interested in Lead a project +2
Pedro Freire Business Development & Pilot Management Hypha Energy Netherlands Interested in Lead a project +4
Ana Rita Constante Executive Director Centro Académico Clínico Católica Luz Portugal Interested in Join a project +1
Elena-Adina Ceangă Development Agent Agentia pentru dezvoltare regionala Sud-Vest Oltenia Romania Interested in Join a project +3 1 project