Image Citizens FLAVOR Regional food culture as a driver for integrated rural development Ongoing Integrated non-urban development
Image Connected NEXT RIDE Improve mobility across Europe by planning for the integration of CCAM into future public transport policy Ongoing Sustainable mobility
Image Green TRITON Improve the policy insTRuments efficiency of the marine sITes of cOmmunity importaNce Ongoing Biodiversity preservation
Image Green CLIBUS Runway to carbon neutrality – Involvement of business communities in climate strategies Ongoing Energy efficiency
Image Social Just Femme Women's Employment and Entrepreneurship in Just Transition Territories Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Smart Lead EXPORT New approach to unleashing export capabilities in a local economy amidst uncertain conditions Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Green RESILIENT TREES Old-Growth forests and Veteran Trees for Biodiversity and Resilient Landscapes Ongoing Biodiversity preservation
Image Social CAPABLE Competent Assistance Pro Aging Better Living Easier Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Connected SMARTAUTO Smart Policy Innovation for Enhanced Automation in European Transport Ongoing Sustainable mobility
Image Smart HEALTH CITIES hEalth aNd Life scIences industries’ GrowtH through ciTiEs alliaNces Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Smart JETSKIR Just Environmental Transition and Skill building in Industrial Regions Ongoing Skills for S3 and industrial transition
Image Social SafeSkills Increasing Regional Availability of Skilled Labour in Safety and Security Sectors Ongoing Education and lifelong learning
Image Social IndusTour Visiting lNDUStrial companies and sites as a growing lever to diversify TOURism policies Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Green BEHAVE BEHaviour Analysis and Valorisation for Elevated waste prevention strategies Ongoing Circular economy