Yuliia Fernos Associate Professor Уманський національний університет садівництвас Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +1
Bianca Buligescu Researcher III degree ACADEMIA ROMÂNĂ-Institutul de cercetare a calității vieții Romania Interested in Join a project +3
Constantine Iliopoulos Senior Researcher Co-opAbility Institute Greece Interested in Join a project +3
Livia Stefanescu ACADEMIA ROMÂNĂ-Institutul de Cercetare a Calitatii Vietii Romania Interested in Join a project +3
Rene Wijlens director/cluster manager Sports and Technology Foundation Netherlands Interested in Lead a project +4 2 projects
Bogdan Cazacu Primăria Municipiului Chișinău Moldova New country Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Anna SZEGVARI-MAS Project Manager Conseil Régional de La Réunion France Interested in Lead a project +3
Eline van der Ham Subsidy advisor Almere Municipality Netherlands Interested in Join a project +2 1 project
Lise Guennal Senior project and policy officer Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe France Interested in Join a project +2
James Mustapha Humper Executive Lead Climate and Digital Education for All Sierra Leone Interested in Lead a project +4
pervin pasholli Expert Ministria e Infrastruktures dhe Energjise Albania New country Interested in Join a project +1