Eufemia Tarantino Full Professor of Geomatics Politecnico di Bari Italy Interested in Lead a project +4
Ivan Simic Managing Director Regional Energy Agency North Croatia Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
ion dogeanu executive director Agentia pentru Eficienta Energetica si Protectia Mediului Romania Interested in Lead a project +4
CHRISTELLE JULIAND housing and environmental expert Agence Locale de l'énergie et du Climat de la Métropole de Lyon France Interested in Lead a project +2
Umberto Pernice Consultant Region Västerbotten (Region Västerbotten) Sweden Interested in Lead a project +2 3 projects
Simon Pascoe Project manager European Federation of Chief Executives in Local Government France Interested in Join a project +2
Lorenzo Sabatini Engineer Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa Italy Interested in Lead a project +3
Chiara Dall'Aglio Responsible for EU cooperation and projects development Sviluppumbria Italy Interested in Lead a project +1 1 project
ISABEL MACÍAS Head of European Affairs Coordination and Promotion Section Gobierno de Navarra Spain Interested in Lead a project +4
Patrick Biard Head - European affairs Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency AURA-EE France Interested in Lead a project +4
Helena Cvenkel director for research and development BSC, Business Support Centre, Ltd, Kranj Slovenia Interested in Lead a project +4 2 projects
Raul García Ruiz TÉCNICO GESTION General Directorate for Budget and Statistics, Regional Government of Castilla y León Spain Interested in Lead a project +4
Kris Vancluysen project developer Thomas More University of Applied Sciences Belgium Interested in Join a project +3